

8 votes, 4.9 avg

1 / 40

How tall was Finn?

2 / 40

In 'Episode III: Revenge of the Sith,' complete the following phrase spoken by Darth Sidious while speaking to Darth Vader: "Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy, and _____________."

3 / 40

When Kylo and Rey see each other for the first time through a dyad in the Force, why does Kylo say that the experience is something else than what her first supposed?

4 / 40

Fill in the remainder of the following quote by Obi-Wan: "Who's the more foolish; the fool, or ___________."

5 / 40

Which Rebel Alliance leader from 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' is depicted?

6 / 40

Which character is depicted and was associated with Crimson Dawn and present aboard Dryden Vos's ship in 'Solo: A Star Wars Story'?

7 / 40

Who did Obi-Wan claim Anakin would rival as a swordsman if he spent more time practicing his saber techniques?

8 / 40

Which type of warrior is depicted?

9 / 40

After arriving near the battle zone during the First Battle of Geonosis, how many special commando units did a clone commander report he had available to Mace Windu?

10 / 40

During Mace Windu and Darth Sidious’ duel, who breaks the glass of a viewshield, as seen in 'Episode III: Revenge of the Sith'?

11 / 40

What did Luke tell Leia to do as they began chasing two scout troopers through the forest of an Endor moon?

12 / 40

What is this droid?

13 / 40

Which vehicle is depicted?

14 / 40

Whose call sign was Red One in the Battle of Yavin?

15 / 40

As Zam Wesell prepares a second assassination attempt on Padmé on Coruscant in 'Episode II: Attack of the Clones', what warning does Jango Fett give her?

16 / 40

What stolen Zeta-class Imperial cargo shuttle did Jyn Erso's team, 'Rogue One' use in order to travel to Scarif?

17 / 40

While the Resistance is being chased by the First Order in 'Episode VIII: The Last Jedi', which ship is the first to run out of fuel and be destroyed?

18 / 40

Who do Finn and Rey discover were the owners to the ship that they stole shortly after escaping from Jakku in ‘Episode VII: The Force Awakens’?

19 / 40

How were viper probe droids alerted to Tobias Beckett's crew during their heist on Vandor to steal refined coaxium in 'Solo: A Star Wars Story'?

20 / 40

Over which eye did Captain Typho wear an eye patch?

21 / 40

In 'Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker', what eerie vision does Rey see after using a sea skiff to enter the wreckage of the Second Death Star in hopes of finding a Sith wayfinder?

22 / 40

Which Star Wars character is depicted?

23 / 40

While searching for Ochi on Pasaana, what family member was Lando Calrissian also concurrently looking for?

24 / 40

What does Luke give Leia before leaving her to confront the First Order in the Battle of Crait?

25 / 40

What happens to Rey while visiting Maz on Takodana that causes her to have a strange vision through the Force in 'Episode VII: The Force Awakens'?

26 / 40

What happened to Han Solo's dice on Corellia when he and Qi'ra were separated as they tried to get through an Imperial Control Zone gate?

27 / 40

Which character from 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' is depicted?

28 / 40

In 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story', which Imperial officer informed Grand Moff Tarkin that there had been a Rebel incursion on Scarif?

29 / 40

How many headtails do Togrutas have?

30 / 40

Just prior to the Battle of Yavin, Biggs claimed to a Rebel commander that Luke was the best bush pilot in what territory of the galaxy?

31 / 40

What planet was the homeworld of Adi Gallia?

32 / 40

Who are the first characters to be seen in 'Episode IV: A New Hope'?

33 / 40

According to Ben Kenobi, what is the Force?

34 / 40

What language was spoken by the nightwatcher worm species of Jakku?

35 / 40

How did Anakin respond when Obi-Wan asked what had taken him so long to rescue him from a free-fall on Coruscant in 'Episode II: Attack of the Clones'?

36 / 40

While speaking with Anakin, what did Obi-Wan say his mission to Utapau to capture Grievous might turn out to be?

37 / 40

What type of monks dwelt in Jabba the Hutt's palace?

38 / 40

Which planet was Count Dooku's homeworld?

39 / 40

What rank within the Jed Order did Yoda confer upon Obi-Wan Kenobi after the Battle of Naboo?

40 / 40

After trying to kill Senator Amidala for the second time on Coruscant, what type of rifle did Zam Wesell fire in 'Episode II: Attack of the Clones' in an attempt to hit Obi-Wan Kenobi?

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