

8 votes, 4.9 avg

1 / 40

What is Yoda's initial response when Luke asks him if Darth Vader is his father in 'Episode VI: Return of the Jedi'?

2 / 40

What message from Emperor Palpatine appears over all frequencies in the galaxy after Leia dies in 'Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker'?

3 / 40

Where did Rose and Finn land their ship after arriving at Canto Bight in 'Episode VIII: The Last Jedi'?

4 / 40

While reminiscing with Poe on Kijimi, how does Zorii tell him that the First Order is trying to win the war in 'Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker'?

5 / 40

Where does Anakin crash-land the front half of General Grievous' flagship after the Battle of Coruscant?

6 / 40

Where does Padmé tell Queen Jamillia that she would like to go for safety while on Naboo in 'Episode II: Attack of the Clones'?

7 / 40

Which cantina thug loses an arm due to picking a fight with Luke and Obi-Wan while in Mos Eisley?

8 / 40

What obnoxious behavior did Jar Jar Binks exhibit in the Skywalker Home on Tatooine, causing Qui-Gon Jinn to show his unusually fast reflexes?

9 / 40

After rescuing Jyn Erso from Imperial imprisonment on Wobani, which man from the Rebel Alliance interrogated her on Yavin IV, stating that he knew her real name?

10 / 40

In 'Episode VI: Return of the Jedi', who said, "Hey, it's me!"?

11 / 40

What was the nickname of Resistance pilot, Temmin Wexley?

12 / 40

What is Rose Tico's homeworld?

13 / 40

What does Nambi Ghina ask Rey during the Aki-Aki Festival of Ancestors in 'Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker'?

14 / 40

When discussing how someone had erased Kamino from the Jedi Archives, what type of individual did Yoda tell Obi-Wan was the only person that could have erased the files?

15 / 40

Which Knight of Ren is depicted?

16 / 40

Where does Obi-Wan meet with Dexter Jettster on Coruscant to ask for help in identifying the weapon that killed Zam Wesell?

17 / 40

When speaking with Anakin on Tatooine, what was the name of the moisture farmer that Watto reported he had sold Shmi Skywalker to?

18 / 40

On what salt flat was the Lars Homestead located?

19 / 40

In 'Episode I: The Phantom Menace', what was Shmi Skywalker's response to Anakin when he asked her if he would ever see her again?

20 / 40

Which of a wampa's arms did Luke cut off in order to defend himself on Hoth in 'Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back'?

21 / 40

In 'Episode IV: A New Hope', what news does Moff Tarkin provide and use to explain that the sympathy for the Rebellion within the Senate no longer matters?

22 / 40

What orbiting body was the Rebel Alliance's base located on in 'Episode IV: A New Hope'?

23 / 40

Which pilot was NOT attacked by Darth Vader in the trenches of the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin?

24 / 40

Who served as the primary pilot of Tobias Beckett's crew in 'Solo: A Star Wars Story'?

25 / 40

Who said, "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi; you're my only hope."?

26 / 40

When Queen Amidala attempted to plead her case to the Senate regarding the Naboo Crisis, who concurred with the Trade Federation Senator, Lott Dod, that a commission should be appointed?

27 / 40

Which Imperial officer informed Captain Needa that they had lost the Millennium Falcon after it left the Hoth Asteroid Belt in 'Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back'?

28 / 40

Shortly after arriving on Starkiller Base, what does Finn tell Han that causes Han to exclaim, "That's not how the Force works!"?

29 / 40

Under the leadership of which clone commander is Stass Allie killed during Order 66?

30 / 40

During Obi-Wan's first visit to Kamino, what is the name of the Kaminoan that provides him a tour of the cloning facilities?

31 / 40

Which Jedi did Count Dooku believe would have joined the Separatist cause when speaking with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Geonosis?

32 / 40

What type of medical droid helped provide Luke with a prosthetic hand aboard a medical frigate after Luke's defeat on Cloud City?

33 / 40

Who demands to talk to General Hux shortly after the Resistance escapes from their base on D'Qar in 'Episode VIII: The Last Jedi'?

34 / 40

What creature flatulated in front of Jar Jar Binks prior to the start of the Boonta Eve Classic, causing him to exclaim, "Pee yousa!"?

35 / 40

What queen preceded Padmé as queen of Naboo?

36 / 40

While speaking with the Jedi Council in 'Episode I: The Phantom Menace', what did Qui-Gon say he'd encountered when referring to Anakin Skywalker?

37 / 40

Who did Lira Erso contact when she realized that Director Orson Krennic had come for her husband on the planet Lah'mu in 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story'?

38 / 40

To which podracer did this pod belong?

39 / 40

What character from 'Episode VIII: The Last Jedi' is depicted?

40 / 40

What was the name of the Nu-Cosian vendor on Jakku that sold sneeps?

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