8 votes, 4.9 avg

1 / 40

During the Battle of Hoth, who was Derek 'Hobbie' Klivian's tail gunner?

2 / 40

What were Galen Erso's last words to his daughter, Jyn, before he died at the Imperial facility on Eadu?

3 / 40

What was the name of the medical frigate that Luke was placed aboard after losing his right hand in a duel with Darth Vader at the end of 'Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back'?

4 / 40

What species is Barriss Offee?

5 / 40

In 'Episode III: Revenge of the Sith,' complete the following phrase spoken by Darth Sidious while speaking to Darth Vader: "Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy, and _____________."

6 / 40

Which Star Wars character from 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' is depicted?

7 / 40

According to Leia in her hologram message to Obi-Wan Kenobi, where was Leia headed aboard her ship before being captured by the Empire?

8 / 40

Complete this quote stated by Val to Tobias Beckett prior to their heist to steal coaxium on Vandor: "Sometimes you put________."

9 / 40

What type of cannons does Allegiant General Enrich Pryde instruct the Sith Eternal fleet to use on the Resistance at the beginning of the Battle of Exegol?

10 / 40

How were Han, Chewbacca, Luke, and their crew captured by Ewoks on the Forest Moon of Endor in 'Episode VI: Return of the Jedi'?

11 / 40

After informing the Jedi Council that the Kaminoans were creating a clone army at a request unbeknownst to them, what did Yoda instruct Obi-Wan to do next?

12 / 40

While serving as a bodyguard to Padmé on Naboo in 'Episode II: Attack of the Clones', what type of fruit did Anakin use the Force to cut and serve to Padmé?

13 / 40

Which Star Wars character said, "If an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist."?

14 / 40

What nickname did Galen Erso call his daughter, Jyn?

15 / 40

Which Star Wars character is depicted?

16 / 40

Which planet was the homeworld of Max Rebo Band member, Droopy McCool?

17 / 40

What is Rose Tico's homeworld?

18 / 40

How did Anakin explain to Padmé that he and his mother ended up being owned by Watto on Tatooine?

19 / 40

What object does Kylo Ren speak to when seeking strength and inspiration while aboard his flagship in 'Episode VII: The Force Awakens'?

20 / 40

When telling Anakin on Naboo of an old romantic interest she used to have named Palo in 'Episode II: Attack of the Clones', what profession did Padmé state he went into while she chose politics?

21 / 40

Which Jedi did Anakin visit to receive advice after his troublesome vision of Padmé's death in childbirth?

22 / 40

What type of vehicle did Han boast to Tobias Beckett he ‘boosted’ when he was only ten years old?

23 / 40

What organization does Finn tell Rey he is a part of when they first meet on Jakku?

24 / 40

During the Resistance debriefing to attack Exegol, who proposed doing a "Holdo move" to take out the cannons?

25 / 40

Who did Padmé Amidala fall in love with?

26 / 40

What was Owen Lars's profession?

27 / 40

What did Qui-Gon Jinn instruct Anakin to do after being attacked by Darth Maul on Tatooine?

28 / 40

On what Kaminoan city was the primary cloning facility located?

29 / 40

Where did R2-D2 and C-3PO end up when Jabba's sail barge was destroyed in 'Episode VI: Return of the Jedi'?

30 / 40

What species was Boolio from 'Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker'?

31 / 40

What melee weapon did some First Order troopers wield which was effective in defense against even a lightsaber?

32 / 40

What docking bay does Han Solo instruct Obi-Wan and Luke to meet him at in order to depart from Tatooine?

33 / 40

Approximately how old was Senator Sheev Palpatine at the time of 'Episode I: The Phantom Menace'?

34 / 40

Which Rebel pilot, while flying a snowspeeder, finds Luke and Han after a deadly snowstorm on Hoth?

35 / 40

What is Luke's last name?

36 / 40

At the beginning of 'Solo: A Star Wars Story', what substance did Han Solo steal while doing a job for Lady Proxima on Corellia?

37 / 40

What was the name of the starship piloted by Jango Fett?

38 / 40

To what planet did Tobias and Han take their crew to refine the coaxium they had stolen from the Pyke Syndicate on Kessel?

39 / 40

Whose shuttle arrived on the Second Death Star in the beginning of 'Episode VI: Return of the Jedi'?

40 / 40

According to C-3PO in 'Episode VIII: The Last Jedi', what are the odds of the Resistance finding a tunnel in the caves of Crait to escape?

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6Kate68 %4 minutes 21 seconds
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10Val_501.6660 %6 minutes 1 seconds
11MasterMace58 %3 minutes 41 seconds
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14Jünter58 %9 minutes 50 seconds
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