

8 votes, 4.9 avg

1 / 40

What does Poe tell C-3PO was a good instinct on C-3PO's part shortly after Poe and his crew perform mutiny and place Amilyn Holdo under arrest in 'Episode VIII: The Last Jedi'?

2 / 40

Which Star Wars character is depicted?

3 / 40

Where is Darth Vader taken by Emperor Palpatine to recover from his burns on Mustafar after being defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi?

4 / 40

What Rebel Alliance character from the Battle of Scarif is depicted?

5 / 40

Who does Obi-Wan unite with immediately after leaving Mustafar in 'Episode III: Revenge of the Sith'?

6 / 40

What type of blaster pistols did Zorii Bliss carry in 'Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker'?

7 / 40

What is the first word of the space crawl in 'Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back'?

8 / 40

What is the name of the organization that Lor San Tekka belonged to?

9 / 40

Which two Wookiees does Yoda say good-bye to before leaving Kashyyyk in ‘Episode III: Revenge of the Sith’?

10 / 40

Who did this staff belong to?

11 / 40

What did Lady Proxima offer her 'scumrats' on Corellia in exchange for their participation in criminal activities?

12 / 40

What did Lando tell Han and Leia just prior to opening a door that would reveal Darth Vader and the Empire's presence on Cloud City in 'Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back'?

13 / 40

What species was Oppo Rancisis?

14 / 40

Why did Jannah and her whole company desert the First Order in the Battle of Ansett Island?

15 / 40

What orbiting body was the Rebel Alliance's base located on in 'Episode IV: A New Hope'?

16 / 40

How does Lando Calrissian respond when Jannah tells him she doesn't know where she is from at the end of 'Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker'?

17 / 40

What is the name of the space station that has the capacity to destroy planets in 'Star Wars: A New Hope'?

18 / 40

The army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems was primarily composed of what type of infantry?

19 / 40

In 'Solo: A Star Wars Story', what insult did Han call Chewbacca right before Chewbacca broke the support beam of their pit on Mimban, allowing them to escape?

20 / 40

After Luke meets Yoda on Dagobah, for how long does Yoda tell him that he has trained Jedi?

21 / 40

What three items was Anakin Skywalker asked to perceive through a Jedi testing screen when being assessed by the Jedi Council on Coruscant in 'Episode I: The Phantom Menace'?

22 / 40

Why did Boss Nass give Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi a tribubble bongo to travel through the planetary core?

23 / 40

While hidden within the 'cave' of an asteroid in 'Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back', what part of the Millennium Falcon did Han state that the mynocks were chewing on?

24 / 40

Why did Chancellor Palpatine encourage Anakin Skywalker to kill Count Dooku?

25 / 40

Who did Han Solo call "a wonderful human being" in 'Episode IV: A New Hope'?

26 / 40

Han Solo claims to have made the Kessel Run in what amount of distance?

27 / 40

What political leader from 'Episode VII: The Force Awakens' is depicted?

28 / 40

Which Jedi from the First Battle of Geonosis is depicted?

29 / 40

Which clone commander was distinguished by green camo armor and attempted to assassinate Yoda when Order 66 was put into effect?

30 / 40

Which Gungan city served as the headquarters of the Gungan High Council?

31 / 40

What species were the creatures that operated the carbon freezing chamber that Han was placed within on Cloud City?

32 / 40

How tall is Luke Skywalker?

33 / 40

Which Star Wars character infamously does not receive a medal at the end of 'Star Wars: A New Hope', despite their significant contributions in the fight against the Empire?

34 / 40

Which Star Wars character from 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' is depicted?

35 / 40

In what year does 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' take place?

36 / 40

How does Anakin defeat the tracking missiles launched at his and Obi-Wan's ships during the Battle of Coruscant in 'Episode III: Revenge of the Sith'?

37 / 40

What does the Jedi Council do that enrages Anakin in 'Episode III: Revenge of the Sith'?

38 / 40

What powerful technology did Obi-Wan realize that droidekas have while fighting them aboard a Trade Federation battleship in 'Episode I: The Phantom Menace'?

39 / 40

Which member of the Jedi High Council, as seen in 'Episode I: The Phantom Menace', is depicted?

40 / 40

What help did Queen Amidala request from Jar Jar Binks when returning to Naboo to try to capture Viceroy Nute Gunray in 'Episode I: The Phantom Menace'?

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