8 votes, 4.9 avg

1 / 40

What color predominantly was the speeder that Anakin used to chase Zam Wesell on Coruscant shortly after an assassination attempt on Padmé?

2 / 40

Who said, "You truly belong with us here among the clouds."?

3 / 40

Who was Luke Skywalker's tail gunner during the Battle of Hoth?

4 / 40

In the Star Wars series, 'Kenobi', who must Obi-Wan Kenobi rescue from an Imperial Inquisitor?

5 / 40

What type of weapon did Bala-Tik, negotiator for the Guavian Death Gang, carry in ‘Episode VII: The Force Awakens’?

6 / 40

When did Luke realize that Leia was his sister?

7 / 40

What type of bath does Luke use to clean C-3PO shortly after purchasing him on Tatooine?

8 / 40

Which Imperial leader led the ground strike on the Rebel Base on Hoth in 'Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back'?

9 / 40

Which First Order officer from 'Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker' is depicted?

10 / 40

Which Resistance officer from the Battle of Oetchi as seen in 'Episode VIII: The Last Jedi' is depicted?

11 / 40

Which type of droid could the ARC-170 starfighter carry aboard to use for assistance during battle?

12 / 40

In what year did Shmi Skywalker Lars die?

13 / 40

What is Dr. Cornelius Evazan's homeworld?

14 / 40

Which Resistance pilot from the Battle of Starkiller Base is depicted?

15 / 40

What legion did this clone trooper belong to?

16 / 40

While pursuing Count Dooku in the First Battle of Geonosis, how did Obi-Wan finally convince Anakin to let Padmé go after she fell off their Republic gunship?

17 / 40

Who said, "This party's over." in 'Episode II: Attack of the Clones'?

18 / 40

In 'Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back', who served as Lando Calrissian's aide and Cloud City's computer liaison officer?

19 / 40

During the Battle of Naboo, what event caused Anakin to activate the N-1 starfighter he was hiding in while trying to obey Qui-Gon's instructions to remain inside the cockpit?

20 / 40

Approximately how old was Jabba the Hutt at the time of his death on Tatooine?

21 / 40

What type of starship is General Grievous' flagship, also known as Invisible Hand?

22 / 40

When Leia sneered at Grand Moff Tarkin, telling him she should have expected to find him holding Vader's leash, what did Tarkin reply that he had found to be a particularly difficult task?

23 / 40

What planet was snowspeeder pilot, Derek 'Hobbie' Klivian's homeworld?

24 / 40

What color was Plo Koon's lightsaber in 'Episode II: Attack of the Clones'?

25 / 40

How wide was a standard TIE fighter?

26 / 40

What incentive do R2-D2 and C-3PO use to gain an audience with Jabba the Hutt in 'Episode VI: Return of the Jedi'?

27 / 40

What were Qui-Gon Jinn's instructions to Anakin after arriving in the Theed Palace hangar at the initiation of the Battle of Naboo?

28 / 40

Which clone commander was distinguished by green camo armor and attempted to assassinate Yoda when Order 66 was put into effect?

29 / 40

During the Battle of Hoth, who was Derek 'Hobbie' Klivian's tail gunner?

30 / 40

Which planet was the homeworld of the bounty hunter known as Boba Fett?

31 / 40

What part of Poe Dameron's X-wing is affected when he and BB-8 are hit during their attack on a First Order dreadnought during the evacuation of D'Qar?

32 / 40

Which character from the Max Rebo Band is depicted?

33 / 40

After beginning to fight Jabba and his henchmen over a sarlacc pit, what did Chewbacca try to warn Han about?

34 / 40

Who was with Darth Sidious when Yoda confronts him on Coruscant in hopes of defeating the Sith lord?

35 / 40

Which Star Wars film is this scene from?

36 / 40

What instructions did Darth Sidious give to Viceroy Nute Gunray aboard his battleship after the viceroy informed him that the ambassadors from the Senate were Jedi?

37 / 40

What species was seen sleeping next to Jyn Erso after she woke up in an Imperial prison cell on Wobani?

38 / 40

What event caused Han to decide that he would help Leia escape the base on Hoth by having her leave with him the Millennium Falcon instead of with the rest of the fleet?

39 / 40

What was the name of Anakin's friend on Tatooine, as depicted here?

40 / 40

Which starship is depicted?

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6Val_501.6660 %6 minutes 1 seconds
7MasterMace58 %3 minutes 41 seconds
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