8 votes, 4.9 avg

1 / 40

What did Emperor Palpatine tell Luke was his weakness while on the Second Death Star?

2 / 40

Which First Order officer primes his dreadnought in order to attack the Resistance as they evacuate D'Qar in 'Episode VIII: The Last Jedi'??

3 / 40

What length does a typical sando aqua monster reach in adulthood?

4 / 40

What species was the podracer, Aldar Beedo?

5 / 40

What degrading term did some Rebels use to refer to the Imperial AT-ST?

6 / 40

What species was Malakili's friend who served alongside him in Jabba the Hutt's palace?

7 / 40

How did Rio Durant die?

8 / 40

Fill in the blank for Obi-Wan's response when Chancellor Palpatine tells Anakin and Obi-Wan that they are no match for Count Dooku because he is a Sith lord: "Chancellor Palpatine, __________."

9 / 40

After Order 66 was initiated, who contacted Senator Bail Organa to inform him of a special session of Congress?

10 / 40

After learning of the creation of a clone army on Kamino, what code did Obi-Wan tell his astromech droid, R4, to scramble to Coruscant in 'Episode II: Attack of the Clones'?

11 / 40

What illumination device do the police on Canto Bight use in 'Episode VIII: The Last Jedi'??

12 / 40

When playing sabacc against Lando Calrissian for the first time in 'Solo: A Star Wars Story', what hand did Han play, causing him to lose to Lando?

13 / 40

Who does Leia fall in love with?

14 / 40

Which Imperial officer is depicted?

15 / 40

What droid does BB-8 discover on Ochi's ship in 'Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker'?

16 / 40

What type of starship did Padmé use to travel to Mustafar in ‘Episode III: Revenge of the Sith’?

17 / 40

While discussing the possibility of having Master Obi-Wan Kenobi be in charge of Senator Amidala's security after an attempt on her life in 'Episode II: Attack of the Clones', where does Mace Windu report Obi-Wan has just returned from?

18 / 40

Who flew under the call sign, 'Red Four' during the Battle of Starkiller Base?

19 / 40

When Luke sees Darth Vader in a vision inside a cave on Dagobah and decapitates Vader, who does he see inside Vader's mask?

20 / 40

What final caution did Yoda give to Luke before he left Dagobah to rescue his friends on Cloud City in 'Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back'?

21 / 40

What was Wedge Antilles' call sign in the Battle of Hoth?

22 / 40

Under what false pretext had Imperial officer, Orson Krennic, originally convinced crystallographer, Galen Erso, to study kyber crystals?

23 / 40

What species creature does Teedo ride on?

24 / 40

What planet were Anakin and Padmé on when Obi-Wan Kenobi tried to contact them from Geonosis?

25 / 40

What was the homeworld of Resistance officer, Commander Larma D'Acy?

26 / 40

What was the name of Darth Vader's personal fleet that pursued Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon into an asteroid field in 'Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back'?

27 / 40

What planet was Han Solo on when he first met Tobias Beckett?

28 / 40

Who introduced Han, Chewbacca, and Tobias to Lando Calrissian in 'Solo: A Star Wars Story'?

29 / 40

What species is Nute Gunray?

30 / 40

What was Poe Dameron's call sign during the Battle of Starkiller Base?

31 / 40

During the Battle of Yavin, which engine of Red Leader's X-wing does he report losing prior to his crash and death on the surface of the Death Star?

32 / 40

Which Rebel pilot from the Battle of Endor flew as 'Gray Leader'?

33 / 40

How many Rebel ships were identified by an Imperial commander reporting to Darth Vader during the Battle of Yavin?

34 / 40

What did Lando promise Han when preparing to take the Millennium Falcon to the Battle of Endor?

35 / 40

When telling Anakin on Naboo of an old romantic interest she used to have named Palo in 'Episode II: Attack of the Clones', what profession did Padmé state he went into while she chose politics?

36 / 40

Which Star Wars creature is depicted?

37 / 40

Which Star Wars character is depicted?

38 / 40

What is the first sentence of the space crawl in 'Episode I: The Phantom Menace'?

39 / 40

Which of the following individuals was NOT present at Padmé's funeral?

40 / 40

In his message from Geonosis to the Jedi Council in 'Episode II: Attack of the Clones', who does Obi-Wan claim is behind the assassination attempts on Senator Amidala?

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6Kate68 %4 minutes 21 seconds
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11MasterMace58 %3 minutes 41 seconds
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