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Tales of the Empire
Movie description: With the fall of the Jedi, the darkness of the Empire has spread across the galaxy. But long before the fateful end to the Republic, there were those sought out better lives - unknowingly casting their own nets of destruction. Bitter and broken by the fall of her people at the hands of the Separatists, Morgan Elsbeth will stop at nothing to secure peace and stability for her new galaxy. Meanwhile, the treacherous former Jedi, Barriss Offee, is offered a choice to serve the new Empire by joining the deadly Inquisitorius- a powerful group of dark Force-users who hunt down and murder remaining Jedi. The decisions these two women must make could help those peoples suffering under the new regime - or doom them forever.
Date published: April 5, 2024
Duration: 6 Episodes
Director(s): Creator: Dave Filoni
Plot - 0%
Writing - 0%
Star Wars Continuity - 0%
User Review
- PlotSending
- WritingSending
- Star Wars ContinuitySending

1: The Path of Fear
[20 BBY] After witnessing the deaths of her people to the treacherous Separatists during the Clone War, Morgan Elsbeth will stop at nothing to get vengeance. And despite hope by the Mountain witches that Elsbeth can be redeemed from her blood lust for revenge, the young Dathomirian’s path toward darkness has already begun.

2: The Path of Anger
[Between 9 BBY to 2 BBY] Morgan Elsbeth’s lust for power continues to grow. Offering the resources of her factory base on Corvus, she proposes to the Empire a new TIE/d “Defender” Multi-Role Starfighter model. Her proposal is only met with disdain however by the Empire, until eventually her genius is noticed by none other than Admiral Thrawn himself. But gaining the favor of the brilliant Chiss admiral is not the solution to all her problems – for the villagers of Corvus have begun to resent Elsbeth and her ruthless grab for power as their magistrate.

3: The Path of Hate
[Between 5 ABY and 9 ABY] The inhabitants of Corvus’ capital city, Calodan, have grown angry while living under the iron-fisted rule of Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth. Former resident of the city, Nadura, has now returned as an ambassador of the New Republic, requesting that Elsbeth step down as leadership and hand over her powers to the New Republic. But her demands are only met with fury as Elsbeth and her guards attack Nadura and her contingent of soldiers. Morgan’s years of anger have exploded into full hatred – reigning terror and destruction on the people of Calodan.

4: Devoted
[19 BBY] The Clone War is over – the Empire is risen. Lying in a prison cell after her betrayal of the Jedi Order, Barriss Offee suddenly finds herself presented with an unexpected opportunity to join the Empire and escape her prison. Former Jedi, Lyn Rakish, reveals that the Jedi are now destroyed, and are willing to recruit Offee to train with the Inquisitorius. But Offee’s freedom will come at a price- for to join the Inquisitorius, she will be forced to join the Dark Side – and hurt even those she once had called friends.

5: Realization
[c. 19 BBY] On a distant rocky world, Barriss and Lyn Rakish, known as ‘Fourth Sister’, search for a hidden Jedi. While Fourth Sister’s blunt questioning of the villagers is met by contempt, Offee is more successful by showing compassion to a young girl, who indicates the Jedi is the mountains. Traveling there, Barriss is horrified to find that Lyn has already arrived and attacked the Jedi. Instead of violence, Offee attempts to convince the Jedi to come peacefully instead of cling to a fallen order. But Fourth Sister betrays her, slashing down the Jedi and leaving Barriss in conflict with her fellow inquisitor.

6: The Way Out
[Between 9 BBY and 0 BBY] It has been years since Barriss Offee escaped the Inquisitors, instead serving the Force as a healer on a hidden snowy world. But old grudges die hard as Fourth Sister has searched relentlessly for Offee, and finally discovers her. Confronting Lyn while allowing a young family to escape, Barriss shows her powerful, yet peaceful connection to the Force by overpowering her old friend without any weapon. And when it’s clear that Lyn has come to kill, Offee’s redemption and commitment to peace will give Rakish one last chance to turn to the light – a chance to find the way out.