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Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Movie description: It is ten years since the Jedi were destroyed by Order 66 and Anakin Skywalker became the Sith Lord known as Darth Vader. Kenobi is now in hiding on the planet Tatooine, watching over Anakin's son, Luke, when he is called on a mission to rescue Anakin's daughter, Leia, after she is kidnapped by the Galactic Empire's Jedi-hunting Inquisitors in a plot to draw Kenobi out. Kenobi's heroic decision to rescue Leia is met by the most fearsome confrontation - one in which he must face all the fears of his past, including his old apprentice.
Date published: May 27, 2022
Director(s): Deborah Chow
- Plot - 0% 0%
- Acting - 0% 0%
- Visual Effects - 0% 0%
- Meaningful Addition to Star Wars - 0% 0%
User Review
- PlotSending
- ActingSending
- Visual EffectsSending
- Meaningful Addition to Star WarsSending
Part I
Ten years after the massacre of Jedi by Order 66, a dangerous Imperial shuttle lands in the city of Mos Eisley on Tatooine. From the ship, emerge several Inquistors investigating rumors of a Jedi in the area. With ease, they lure out a young man in the crowd who used the Force and capture him. Meanwhile, far out in the desert, a weather-worn Obi-Wan Kenobi continues his life of seclusion, standing in line with several workers harvesting the remains of a sand whale. Little does he know that the monotonous life he’s been living is about to change.
Part II
Having learned of the capture of Princess Leia by his old friend, Bail Organa, Obi-Wan determines to risk leaving watch over Luke to try to rescue the young girl. On Daiyu, Obi-Wan is eventually able to find her, but not long before the two realize that someone is hunting them – someone who had plotted Leia’s capture as a trap to lure out Kenobi. If the two don’t learn to trust and work together, they won’t make it far before the Third Sister Inquistor captures them.
Part III
Obi-Wan recently escaped the clutches of Third Sister, but his discovery prompts serious danger. On Mustafar, Third Sister informs Darth Vader himself that Obi-Wan is alive. Now, the real hunt begins. Tasked by Vader to hunt down Kenobi, Third Sister leads the other inquistors on a ruthless search to find the Master Jedi. On Mapuzo, Obi-Wan and Leia pretend to be father and daughter, but their disguise won’t work when a viper probe droid begins scanning them at a remote Imperial checkpoint. If they are discovered, it is certain Vader will come to end the master that had left him for dead.
Part IV
Barely escaping with his life after near-certain death at the hands of Vader, Obi-Wan wakes up to find himself rescued by Tala Durith – a defected Imperial officer. But in losing the battle, young Princess Leia has been captured by the Empire. On Jabiim, Obi-Wan meets with Durith and other Hidden Path members. Convincing them to help him rescue Leia, they travel to the planet Nur in the Mustafar system, where Leia is being interrogated by Third Sister, known as ‘Reva’. Infiltrating the base will be extremely dangerous, but as Kenobi’s connection to the Force slowly returns, he is confident he can rescue her, as long as she is still alive.
Part V
Obi-Wan has successfully rescued Leia from an Inquisitor fortres on the planet Nur. But rushing to return to safety on Jabiim, he is unaware that the Empire is tracking their ship. Meanwhile, Darth Vader is pleased with Reva’s work in tracking them and promotes her to Grand Inquisitor. Not long after meeting with the Hidden Path members on Jabiim, they realize Imperial ships have arrived to destroy them. Realizing that they can’t beat the Empire, Obi-Wan plans to turn himself him. But before doing so, he discovers a dark secret about Reva, Third Sister. One, that could change the tide of the battle.
Part VI
Despite escaping, Obi-Wan is trapped, running out of options. As Darth Vader’s star destroyer Devastator pursues him and Kawlan Roken’s freight transport, they realize they won’t be able to outrun the Empire as the motivator is badly damaged. Unwilling to let Leia be captured, Obi-Wan baits Vader by flying the drop ship out of Roken’s freighter, forcing Vader to pursue him and allow Leia aboard the freighter to escape. Landing on a rocky planet, Vader is in hot pursuit and soon the two are dueling to the end, with Vader clearly having the upper hand. Meanwhile, on Tatooine though, Reva seeks to hunt down young Luke Skywalker. It will take more miracle than one to survive and rescue Luke in time.
Pretty good show. Kind of strange that Obi-Wan can barely use the Force, but then is able to turn it back on all of the sudden. Loved the duels between Obi-Wan and Vader- very emotional
Glad to see Ewan McGregor back on the screen as Obi-Wan. He does such a good job