
The Clone Wars (Film)

40.33 Average
9 Reviews
The Clone Wars (Film)

Movie title: The Clone Wars (Film)

Movie description: A galaxy divided! Striking swiftly after the Battle of Geonosis, Count Dooku's droid army has seized control of the major hyperspace lanes, separating the Republic from the majority of its clone army. With few clones available, the Jedi generals cannot gain a foothold on the Outer Rim as more and more planets choose to join Dooku's Separatists. While the Jedi areoccupied fighting a war, no one is left to keep the peace. Chaos and crime spread, and the innocent become victims in a lawless galaxy. Crime lord Jabba the Hutt's son has been kidnapped by a rival band of pirates. Desperate to save his son, Jabba puts out a call for help—a call the Jedi are cautious to answer…

Date published: August 15, 2008

Duration: 98 mins

Director(s): Director: Dave Filoni, Producers: George Lucas, Catherine Winder, Writers: Henry Gilroy, Scott Murphy, Steven Melching

  • Plot - 0%
  • Animation - 0%
  • Meaningful Addition to Star Wars - 0%
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