Star Wars Rebels: Season 2

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6 Reviews
Rebels: Season 2

Movie description: Once a small crew performing small jobs to retaliate against the Empire, Ezra, Kanan Hera, Zeb, Sabine, and Chopper have now joined forces with a forming organization called the Rebellion. Their assistance in opposing the Empire and obtaining supplies is invaluable. But little do they know that their involvement in the Rebellion with bring them face-to-face with some of the most dangerous beings in the galaxy, including Darth Vader himself.

Duration: 10/14/2015 - 3/30/2016; 22 Episodes

Director(s): Creators: Dave Filoni, Simon Kinberg, Carrie Beck, Writers: Dave Filoni, Henry Gilroy, Kevin Hopps, Simon Kinberg, Steven Melching, Matt Michnovetz, Bill Wolkoff

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1: The Siege of Lothal - Part 1

The Inquisitor is dead. The Ghost crew has connected with other rebel cells. And a new ally named Ahsoka Tano has emerged. Despite these successes and developments, the fight against the Empire takes a deadly turn, as the evil Sith Lord Darth Vader comes to Lothal.

2: The Siege of Lothal - Part 2

The Ghost crew is in very real danger. Trapped on Lothal, the Dark Lord Darth Vader seeks to hunt and them once and for all. Even if they can escape and reach the Rebel fleet, Vader is not to be deterred…

3: The Lost Commanders

Ahsoka Tano sends the Ghost crew to Seelos in search of an old friend — one whose leadership and strategy skills could help the fledgling rebellion. But will this legendary commander be willing to join the fight?

4: Relics of the Old Republic

While Kanan continues to struggle with trust issues, the other rebels begin to form friendships with the old clones. And when Agent Kallus arrives, all must join together to battle the Imperials.

5: Always Two There Are

Thanks to Rex’s intel, Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper head out to an abandoned Republic medical station with the hopes of finding much needed supplies. When they encounter new enemies, however, the stakes become much higher.

6: Brothers off the Broken Horn

When Ezra answers a distress signal from the Broken Horn, the young Jedi finds someone unexpected waiting: the legendary pirate Hondo Ohnaka. But is he friend or foe?

7: Wings of the Master

With the rebels in desperate need of a ship with heavy weaponry, Hera seeks out a master engineer who has built a powerful new starfighter prototype.

8: Blood Sisters

While on mission to rendezvous with a courier holding secret information, Sabine encounters someone from her past: a bounty hunter named Ketsu. But is she friend or foe?

9: Stealth Strike

When the Empire uses a powerful new weapon to capture Ezra and Commander Sato, Rex and Kanan must put their differences aside to save their friends.

10: The Future of the Force

After the Empire’s Inquisitors begin targeting select babies for abduction, Ahsoka Tano and the Ghost crew investigate. What they find is unsettling, and it all leads to a deadly confrontation with the children’s fates hanging in the balance.

11: Legacy

After seeing his parents in a strange vision, Ezra believes they may still be alive. He heads back to Lothal for answers, while the Empire comes to Garel hoping to crush the rebellion.

12: A Princess on Lothal

While Ezra grapples with the news about his parents, the rebels make plans with Senator Bail Organa to secure three much-needed cruisers. Leading the mission is an agent hand-picked by the Senator: his daughter, Leia.

13: The Protector of Concord Dawn

Looking to secure a new hyperspace route to Lothal, the rebels head to the Mandalorian-controlled Concord Dawn to negotiate safe passage for their fleet. The warrior Protectors of the system prove to be less than welcoming, however, and it’s up to Kanan and Sabine to turn this group into friends… or enemies.

14: Legends of the Lasat

Thanks to intel from the space pirate Hondo, the Ghost crew rescue two Lasat from Imperial clutches. These survivors believe Zeb is the key to a prophecy that will lead to a new home for their kind—but Zeb, conflicted and ashamed of his failure to save Lasan, has little faith.

15: The Call

Low on fuel and power in deep space, the Ghost crew encounters massive, mysterious creatures whose lives are threatened by a mining operation.

16: Homecoming

The Ghost crew joins forces with Cham Syndulla, father of Hera and Clone Wars legend. But will his thirst for revenge—and fractured relationship with his daughter—cost the rebels a victory?

17: The Honorable Ones

Zeb and Agent Kallus find themselves stranded on an icy moon of Geonosis after a failed Imperial ambush of the rebels. Bitter enemies, they must put aside their differences and work together in order to survive.

18: Shroud of Darkness

Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka return to the Jedi Temple on Lothal, seeking to learn how the Inquisitors continually track them. Each has a different experience, and nothing will ever be the same.

19: The Forgotten Droid

When Chopper steals a replacement for his original leg, he separates from the Ghost crew and finds himself stranded on an Imperial ship. The grumpy astromech meets an inventory droid in service of the Empire, but will this new acquaintance become friend or foe?

20: The Mystery of Chopper Base

The rebels finally locate a potential site for a secret base, but find their new home is not as isolated as originally believed…

21: Twilight of the Apprentice - Part 1

Ezra, Kanan, and Ahsoka arrive at Malachor, a seemingly dead world and home to an ancient Sith Temple, but they are not alone. In the darkness, Ezra meets a strange tattooed Zabrak named ‘Maul’ who tells him he can lead him into the Sith Temple. 

22: Twilight of the Apprentice - Part 2

With the help of Maul, Ezra, Kanan, and Ahsoka are able to defeat the deadly inquisitors. But Maul has an agenda of his own – a deadly one that could leave the Rebels in serious danger, while a new threat is about to arrive on Malachor.

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