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The Clone Wars: Season 2
Movie description: Rise of the Bounty Hunters: The war grows ominous! As the struggle for control of the galaxy continues, there are those who seek to profit from the chaos. In their midst, are several bounty hunters whose allegiance goes only to the highest bidder. Cad Bane, Aurra Sing, Boba Fett and many others will stop at nothing to make the war their own personal fortune. To complicate matters further, the Chancellor and all of Coruscant is in danger when a massive zillo beast escapes wreaks havoc on the city-planet.
Date published: January 1, 1970
Duration: 22 Episodes
Director(s): Creator: George Lucas, Directors: Several, notably Dave Filoni
- Plot - 0% 0%
- Animation - 0% 0%
- Meaningful Addition to Star Wars - 0% 0%
User Review
- PlotSending
- AnimationSending
- Meaningful Addition to Star WarsSending
01: Holocron Heist
Cad Bane infiltrates the Jedi Temple and attempts to steal an ancient Jedi Holocron. It’s up to Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-Wan to stop the bounty hunter from escaping with the valuable Jedi artifact.
02: Cargo of Doom
Anakin and Ahsoka intercept Cad Bane’s warship, hoping to recover the stolen Jedi Holocron, but the Jedi underestimate the bounty hunter’s cunning tactics.
03: Children of the Force
Darth Sidious has a new dark assignment for bounty hunter Cad Bane: kidnap Force-sensitive children from across the galaxy and bring them to Mustafar.
04: Senate Spy
At the Jedi High Council’s request, Padmé investigates a Separatist conspiracy in the Senate.
05: Landing at Point Rain
Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and Ki-Adi-Mundi lead a landing party to destroy a droid factory on Geonosis.
06: Weapons Factory
Luminara and Anakin act as decoys to divert new enemy super-tanks, while Padawans Barriss Offee and Ahsoka attempt to destroy a Separatist droid factory.
07: Legacy of Terror
When Luminara goes missing, Obi-Wan and Anakin lead a platoon of clones in search of her. When the search leads to a mysterious lair, the Jedi are faced with a horde of undead warriors.
08: Brain Invaders
When Geonosian brain worms take control of their supply ship, Ahsoka and Barriss must battle to stop the vessel from unleashing the deadly plague upon the galaxy.
09: Grievous Intrigue
A Jedi Master is taken hostage and tortured by General Grievous. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Adi Gallia devise a daring rescue plan, but they soon realize the General has a plan of his own.
10: The Deserter
While searching for General Grievous on a distant planet, Rex encounters a deserter.
11: Lightsaber Lost
When a wily pickpocket steals Ahsoka’s lightsaber, she enlists the help of an ancient Jedi to track down her weapon and reclaim her honor.
12: The Mandalore Plot
While investigating rumors of conspiracy surrounding Duchess Satine of Mandalore, Obi-Wan uncovers the truth about a mysterious Mandalorian plot.
13: Voyage of Temptation
As the Jedi and their clones defend Duchess Satine from assassination attempts, Anakin discovers that Obi-Wan and the duchess have a history together.
14: Duchess of Mandalore
On Coruscant, word reaches Duchess Satine that Death Watch is mobilizing, sparking a pre-emptive Republic invasion. On the run from Republic authorities, Satine and Obi-Wan set off to discover the group’s true motives.
15: Senate Murders
When Senator Onaconda Farr dies under suspicious circumstances, Padmé sets out to find the person responsible for the death of her favorite ‘uncle.’
16: Cat and Mouse
Obi-Wan and Anakin must deliver supplies to Christophsis while the planet is under Separatist control. They encounter Separatist Commander Admiral Trench and get more than they bargained for.
17: Bounty Hunters
Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano form an uneasy partnership with four deadly Bounty hunters to help protect a local farmer from Hondo Ohnaka and his band of pirates.
18: The Zillo Beast
The Republic’s new super-weapon awakens the fearsome Zillo Beast of Malastare. Now the Jedi must devise a way to contain the deadly creature.
19: The Zillo Beast Strikes Back
Republic forces bring the Zillo Beast back to Coruscant for study. When it escapes, the Jedi must choose between saving millions of lives and destroying the Zillo Beast, the last of its kind.
20: Death Trap
A young boy – Boba Fett – wages war against the Jedi Knights who left him orphaned, bitter, and alone.
21: R2 Come Home
When a band of bounty hunters leads Anakin and Mace into a deadly trap on Vanqor, it’s up to R2-D2 to battle his way back to Coruscant and warn the Jedi.
22: Lethal Trackdown
After combing the Coruscant Underworld for a young fugitive, Plo Koon and Ahsoka pursue him to Florrum for a climactic confrontation.