
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

82.31 Average
9 Reviews
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Movie title: Rogue One

Movie description: Approximately six years after the formation of the Galactic Empire, Imperial Director Orson Krennic and a squad of death troopers land on the planet Lah'mu and forcibly recruit scientist Galen Erso to complete his work on the Death Star, a space station the empire hopes to be capable of destroying entire planets. Galen's wife, Lyra Erso, is killed when she shoots and injures Krennic to in an attempt to stop him from taking her husband. Their daughter, Jyn Erso, goes into hiding until Saw Gerrera, leader of the Partisans, rescues her and takes her in. Little does Jyn know that she will eventually be led to not only fight against the Empire, but against the very weapon her father was forced to create: The Death Star.

Date published: December 16, 2016

  • Plot - 0%
  • Acting - 0%
  • Visual Effects - 0%
  • Meaningful Addition to Star Wars - 0%
User Review
  • Sending
  • Sending
  • Sending
    Visual Effects
  • Sending
    Meaningful Addition to Star Wars

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