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Viewing 6 topics - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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- ‘Star Wars: Skeleton Crew’ – Official Fan Discussion Page Hi everyone! What do you think so far of 'Skeleton Crew'? Some potential prompts could be: What do you like or consider to be good developments of the series? What does the series do well? Are there new technologies or aspects of the Force or storytelling that you like about 'Skeleton Crew'? What storyline aspects are not your favorite and why?
- 1
- 2 months ago
- ‘Star Wars: The Acolyte’ – Official Fan Discussion Page Hi all! We want to know what you as fans really think of this new series. This is not a place to display hate messages, but rather, we want to know what your true critiques are. What did you like or consider to be good developments as a result of the series? What does the series do well? Were there new technologies or aspects of the Force or storytelling that 'The Acolyte' did well? What storyline aspects were poor or do you think should be changed? What other aspects of the series weakened it or did you not like and why?
- 7
- 7 months, 1 week ago
- Does anyone else think that Omega is Force-sensitive? I know it’s probably crazy but I think Omega might be at least slightly Force-sensitive. I’ve thought this sense the beginning, the way that she seems to notice things at the same time if not before Hunter does(who has enhanced senses), like in the first episode when they are wondering where Crosshair is and she just looks at the door and is like ‘I don’t that we’ll have look far’ or something like that. AND THEN the door beeps and opens and Crosshair is RIGHT THERE. That’s just one example. Not to even mention Hemlok and ‘M-count’ in season 3 Feel free to add your own ideas or to list contradictory information.
- 3
- 8 months, 3 weeks ago
- Why do Sith (or at least some of them) have yellow eyes? We probably all have seen how both Darth Vader and Palpatine had yellow eyes. At least- Anakin/Vader did before he was burnt on Mustafar. But does anyone know why? Or is there no current explanation in Star Wars canon?
- 5
- 11 months ago
- Where do midi-chlorians come from? Are midi-chlorians inherited? I suspect they aren't, otherwise Shmi would be Force sensitive right? So then, how do midi-chlorians get into people's blood?
- 3
- 11 months, 1 week ago
- Can anyone become a Jedi if they strengthen their connection to the Force enough? I really liked Ahsoka, but I'm really not sure how I feel about how Sabine supposedly can strengthen her connection to the Force enough to become a Jedi when she clearly doesn't have much of a connection to the Force. If Disney opens up the Force like this, then what's to stop potentially anyone and everyone in the galaxy from becoming as powerful as a Jedi, a Sith or something worse? I guess I'm fine with it if you argue everyone's strength of connection to the Force is on a spectrum and some, who are already more connected to it, can with practice develop Jedi-like skills, but what do you all think?
- 6
- 7 months, 4 weeks ago
Viewing 6 topics - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)