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  • Reyna Fett
      399 Midi-chlorians
      Jedi Padawan

      I would love if Bardan Jusik from Karen Traviss’s Republic Commando novels would show up. He was a Jedi turned Mandalorian. And he got to keep his lightsaber. Really I’d like to see the whole Skirata clan. Those characters are so good and I think they really deserve a place in the official Disney cannon. Not just the EU/legends.

      Reyna Fett
        399 Midi-chlorians
        Jedi Padawan

        Maybe, I read a theory that the Armorer is Rook from the clone wars season 7, one of the ‘mauldalorians’ but her being Force-sensitive could explain how she absolutely demolishes stormtroopers and anyone she fights.

        in reply to: Does anyone else think that Omega is Force-sensitive? #13816
        Reyna Fett
          399 Midi-chlorians
          Jedi Padawan

          Thanks, glad I wasn’t the only one that speculated about Omega being Force-sensitive

          in reply to: Does anyone else think that Omega is Force-sensitive? #13815
          Reyna Fett
            399 Midi-chlorians
            Jedi Padawan

            Another thing from the first episode is when Omega picked up the blaster and hit Crosshair’s rifle. ONLY HIS RIFLE. without looking through the scope and having never even holding a blaster before. I do shooting sports, and hitting something that small on your first try is almost impossible. And Crosshair was moving. Not very fast but he was moving, and in a unpredictable manner. It’s easier to hit sporting clays because you know it will continue to move in a strait line till it falls out of the sky. Crosshair is not a sporting clay, he was ducking behind cover and moving places so he wouldn’t get hit.

            Also during the second season when they go treasure hunting with Phee, Omega noticed the creature that attacked them at the same time as Hunter. She could have been reading his body language but I think she noticed it too.

            Along with the cave collapse. I’d have to go back and rewatch that episode because I haven’t watched it in a while but if I remember right Omega is uneasy about the ceiling when they are shooting at the creature attacking then starts to move out of the way before Hunter grabs her because she’s not moving fast enough. (I could be wrong I haven’t watch the episode in a while and my memory is a little fuzzy on it. I’ll try to find time to rewatch it and give a more accurate retelling)

            Reyna Fett
              399 Midi-chlorians
              Jedi Padawan

              I think she might have always been force-sensitive and because the Mandalorians don’t really like Jedi they just never noticed because she wasn’t that powerful. At least I hope.(that’s my interpretation)I do like that they say that everyone has a connection to the Force because it’s ‘an energy field created by all living things’ so I guess it makes sense. But only Force-sensitives could use the Force.  It’s kinda confusing so I hope they explain it further a give it reasonable rules.

              in reply to: What do you think the ‘M-count’ is? #13802
              Reyna Fett
                399 Midi-chlorians
                Jedi Padawan

                I think ‘M-count’ is Midiclorian count. Because aren’t they trying to prolong Palpys life? I heard that Jedi age slowly and live longer than average lifespans so maybe Palpatine is trying to do that? He’s a Sith and none of them seem to age gracefully. He’s always been scared of dying. It also seems like they’re trying to justify Palps returning in the rise of Skywalker
                (I really have no idea this is just my speculation)

                Reyna Fett
                  399 Midi-chlorians
                  Jedi Padawan

                  I liked the show except Sabine seemed a little bland, like she didn’t have as much personality. Maybe they were trying to show she’s depressed at Ezra leaving without her crying all the time, but she seemed shallow. The ending was cool and WAY unexpected but overall I liked it! Also the music was SO GOOD I just wish they’d used more of Thrawn’s theme from rebels. Everyone else’s themes were Amazing!

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