On, there are a variety of ways that you can test and demonstrate your knowledge of the Force and thereby increase your midi-chlorian count. As your midi-chlorian count reaches certain amounts, your strength in the Force naturally increases and you progress to higher Jedi Ranks as outlined in the table below. Of course- before you can begin, you must first pass the True Fan Quiz, and then create an account before beginning. Haven’t taken the quiz or made an account yet? Click HERE to take the quiz.
Ways to increase your midi-chlorian count
- Take quizzes
- Rate Star Wars media
- Answer polls
- Become a Star Wars Fan Critic and submit GAFFI scores
- Submit comments on Star Wars discussion pages
- Get likes on comments you’ve made on discussion pages (temporarily disabled)
- Make comments on pages or Star Wars media
Taking quizzes is the most efficient way to increase your midi-chlorian count as it directly demonstrates your knowledge. A standard film quiz can increase your count anywhere from 0 to 50 midi-chlorians. Score 30% or less, and you won’t increase your count at all. Above 30%, your count will increase exponentially, the higher you score, as outlined in Table 2. Obtaining a score of >80% will result in passing the quiz, and you will obtain a badge recognizing that you passed.
Note in Table 3 however, that scoring well on the JEDI MASTER quiz, will result in a much faster increase. This is because the JEDI MASTER quiz will test your knowledge of all Star Wars Trivia. Obtaining a score of 70% or above will result in passing the quiz, and you will obtain a badge recognizing that you passed.
Table 2: Standard Film Quiz Midi-chlorian Values | |
Quiz Score | Midi-chlorian Count Increase |
0-30% | None |
31-40% | 1 |
41-50% | 2 |
51-60% | 4 |
61-70% | 8 |
71-80% | 15 |
81-90% | 20 |
91-98% | 30 |
99-100% | 50 |
Table 3: JEDI MASTER QUIZ Midi-chlorian Values | |
Quiz Score | Midi-chlorian Count Increase |
0-30% | None |
31-40% | 5 |
41-50% | 10 |
51-60% | 20 |
61-70% | 50 |
71-80% | 125 |
81-90% | 250 |
91-93% | 500 |
94-96% | 1,000 |
97-100% | 5,000 (High Honors) |
Star Wars Ratings and Comments
One of the key goals of is to for fans to provide accurate ratings for new Star Wars content. Rating a film, new show, novel, or other piece of Star Wars content results in an increase in midi-chlorian count by 1 for each rating provided, up to a maximum of 10 ratings/comments per day.
Answering polls is another way that helps provide the public with information regarding what Star Wars Fans really think. Each poll answered will increase your midi-chlorian count by 1. Each poll can only be answered once, but new polls are regularly added, providing a regular way to increase one’s midi-chlorian count.
Jedi Rankings
There are a total of 5 common Jedi Ranks: Force-Sensitive, Jedi Youngling, Jedi Padawan, Jedi Knight, and Jedi Master. Each rank is attained by achieving a certain midi-chlorian count as highlighted below. There is also an honorary Jedi rank known as ‘Jedi Council Member’, which may be given uniquely to the top 12 individuals on the leaderboard of the JEDI MASTER Quiz. Jedi Council Members have the potential to receive unique privileges on the site, and ability to provide additional ratings and comments on Star Wars Material.
Jedi Rank | Midi-chlorian Count Required | Discover the Force Quiz Unlocked |
Force-Sensitive | 1 | What species are you?
Jedi Youngling | 50 | Discover your homeworld (50 midi-chlorians) Find your Kyber Crystal (75 midi-chlorians) |
Jedi Padawan | 100 |
Build your lightsaber (100 midi-chlorians) Receive your Jedi Master Assignment (200 midi-chlorians) |
Jedi Knight | 400* | *Pass the Jedi Trials (in addition to possessing 400 or more midi-chlorians) |
Jedi Master | 800 | Obtain your starship |