
GAFFI Fan Critic Application

Want to join our Star Wars Fan Critics and critique Star Wars in a professional way? Fill out the application below and we will get back to you to let you know if you’ve been accepted.

Apply as a Fan Critic2_comic
Star Wars Background
The information in this section MAY be used in providing a brief description of our fan critics if you are accepted

When would you say you became a Star Wars fan?*

When would you say you became a Star Wars fan?*

Why are you passionate about Star Wars? (How you became a Star Wars fan, came to love Star Wars, etc)*

Why are you passionate about Star Wars? (How you became a Star Wars fan, came to love Star Wars, etc)*

Please note this information MAY be published on our site in providing a brief description of our fan critics, if you are accepted

Please describe any accomplishments or reasons you would make a good Star Wars Fan Critic:*

Please describe any accomplishments or reasons you would make a good Star Wars Fan Critic:*

Please include any Star Wars projects you've worked on whether - personal or public, books you've read, if you've written any Wookieepedia articles or articles on other SW pages, if you've watched every TV series, etc. Or, simply tell us why you are so passionate about Star Wars. This information MAY be published on our site in providing a brief description of our fan critics, if you are accepted.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? (optional)

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? (optional)

This can include hobbies, projects, etc

Star Wars Preferences
The information in this section MAY be used in providing a brief description of our fan critics if you are accepted

Did you watch any of the original Star Wars trilogy (Episodes 4-6) in the theater?*

Did you watch any of the original Star Wars trilogy (Episodes 4-6) in the theater?*

Did you watch any of the prequel Star Wars trilogy (Episodes 1-3) in the theater?*

Did you watch any of the prequel Star Wars trilogy (Episodes 1-3) in the theater?*

Which Star Wars film is your favorite?*

Which Star Wars film is your favorite?*

Which Star Wars film is your LEAST favorite?*

Which Star Wars film is your LEAST favorite?*

Which Star Wars trilogy is your favorite?*

Which Star Wars trilogy is your favorite?*

Who is your favorite Star Wars character?*

Who is your favorite Star Wars character?*

Okay to include either canon or legends characters

General Information
Your personal information in this section will NOT be made public

Date range you were born in:*

Date range you were born in:*





Final Information
The information in this section will NOT be made public and is used solely for the purpose of this application

Do you have any financial disclosures or other affiliations with Disney or its subsidiaries?*

Do you have any financial disclosures or other affiliations with Disney or its subsidiaries?*

Over time, how likely are you to rate both old and new Star Wars material as we continue to scoring it using the GAFFI score?*

Over time, how likely are you to rate both old and new Star Wars material as we continue to scoring it using the GAFFI score?*

I'm not sure
Not very likely
I think I will keep rating it
Very likely

Do you agree to our Star Wars Fan Critic Terms & Conditions?*

Do you agree to our Star Wars Fan Critic Terms & Conditions?*

This includes us providing a brief description of your Star Wars interests as recorded in this application if you are accepted. Personal identifying information such as race, gender, etc will NOT be used. You can review our full set of conditions by clicking the link provided.

Please submit your email so we can notify you once we've reviewed your application*

Please submit your email so we can notify you once we've reviewed your application*

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