
Would you have changed the ending to ‘Ahoska Season One’, or did you like the way it ended?


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  • Author
    • #11777
      Lando Calrissian
        1311 Midi-chlorians
        Jedi Knight

        I thought Ahoska was pretty good. And while the ending was neat in that it was a little unexpected, I still don’t know if I love the role reversal where Ezra leaves Peridea, but Ahsoka and Sabine get stuck and left behind. What are your thoughts?

      • #11797
        Jabba the Flubb
          393 Midi-chlorians
          Jedi Knight

          I liked it pretty well. Sure, I was a bit surprised that Ahsoka and Sabine didn’t find a way back, but I thought it was neat that there was a wizard statue seen at the end as Baylan Skoll was walking away. So, maybe the planet they’re on still is going to play an important role in the story going forward

          • #11812
            Lando Calrissian
              1311 Midi-chlorians
              Jedi Knight

              That’s a good point. I’d forgotten about that weird mountain carving, but it does seem like there might be something cool that will still happen before they return back to the normal galaxy.

              • #11813
                Jabba the Flubb
                  393 Midi-chlorians
                  Jedi Knight

                  Yeah, I’m going to be excited for Ahsoka Season 2!

              • #12866
                  59 Midi-chlorians
                  Jedi Youngling

                  I wonder if the Son is not really dead, or somehow Baylan is going to harness the power that the Father or Son had…

                  • #12918
                    Lando Calrissian
                      1311 Midi-chlorians
                      Jedi Knight

                      Interesting thought. Definitely want to find out whatever that meant when Season 2 comes out

                • #13801
                  Reyna Fett
                    404 Midi-chlorians
                    Jedi Padawan

                    I liked the show except Sabine seemed a little bland, like she didn’t have as much personality. Maybe they were trying to show she’s depressed at Ezra leaving without her crying all the time, but she seemed shallow. The ending was cool and WAY unexpected but overall I liked it! Also the music was SO GOOD I just wish they’d used more of Thrawn’s theme from rebels. Everyone else’s themes were Amazing!

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