
Why do Sith (or at least some of them) have yellow eyes?

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    • #12985
      Lando Calrissian
        213 Midi-chlorians
        Jedi Padawan

        We probably all have seen how both Darth Vader and Palpatine had yellow eyes. At least- Anakin/Vader did before he was burnt on Mustafar. But does anyone know why? Or is there no current explanation in Star Wars canon?

      • #12997
          148 Midi-chlorians
          Jedi Youngling

          I’m not sure if we know exactly why, but I do remember reading something about how the reason Dooku doesn’t have yellow eyes even though he’s a Sith is because the eye color is based on the emotions of the Dark Side user. Since Dooku used for pragmatic emotions instead of rage and raw ambition, his eyes weren’t yellow. Not sure though if that’s actually canon.

          • #12998
              148 Midi-chlorians
              Jedi Youngling

              I guess I’d read this based on a review that came from Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia which says that as Sith eyes reflect the emotions they’ve harnessed. Since emotions can be controlled though, this was also how Palpatine managed to make his eyes not yellow around the Jedi, so they didn’t suspect him.

            • #12999
              Jabba the Flubb
                357 Midi-chlorians
                Jedi Knight

                Yeah I think that is right. Can’t say I’ve really read deep into it, but I’m pretty sure it’s based on emotions

              • #13000
                Jabba the Flubb
                  357 Midi-chlorians
                  Jedi Knight

                  Makes me wonder if there are other physical changes that happen to either light side or dark side users when they embrace the Force

                  • #13714
                      59 Midi-chlorians
                      Jedi Youngling

                      I think your skin gets more wrinkly 🙂

                • #13701
                  Darth Moros
                    32 Midi-chlorians

                    The Kotor games have a nice system where the darker you choices get the paler your skin and yellower your eyes the phrase Psychotic urges is uttered a lot, which is the practical and simple way to show that attuning yourself to either side has consequences.

                    Yellow eyes, pale skin dried skin, white hair and a thinned figure are usual signs of dark side influence, but you must first surrender yourself to darkness, then understand it and finally accepting it.

                    A great conversation in the Plagueis book reads:

                    Sidious watched the last of the brush fires burn out, then said, “Will Ieventually be physically transformed?”

                    “Into some aged, pale-skinned, raspy-voiced, yellow-eyed monster, youmean. Such as the one you see before you.” Plagueis gestured to himself,then lowered himself to the ground. “Surely you are acquainted with the lore: King Ommin of Onderon, Darths Sion and Nihilus. But whether it will happen to you, I can’t say. Know this, though, Sidious, that the power of the dark side does not debilitate the practitioner as much as itdebilitates those who lack it.” He grinned with evil purpose. “The power ofthe dark side is an illness no true Sith would wish to be cured of.”

                    • #13715
                      Lando Calrissian
                        213 Midi-chlorians
                        Jedi Padawan

                        I’ve read Plagueis, but it’s been long enough that I’d forgotten this passage entirely. Such an epic line and provides deep insight into the Dark Side and the mind of the Sith. Thinking of Kotor really makes me want to play it again and see if I notice any other physical changes. Seems like the orbits around the eyes would get more sunken too, but I’d have to check.

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