
Which live-action TV series are Disney’s best and worst works so far?

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    • #12053
      Lando Calrissian
        213 Midi-chlorians
        Jedi Padawan

        It’s tough, but for me, I’d say Mandalorian: Season 1 is the best, though Andor is amazing in its own way- it’s just to hard to compare Andor to anything else Star Wars since it is so different.

      • #12759
          59 Midi-chlorians
          Jedi Youngling

          I think Ahsoka was the best. Andor was good, but just too slow

          I liked Ahsoka because there was a good mix of fighting – both Force users and non force users. Plus, Thrawn is such a neat enemy, and I’m really curious to see what will happen on peridea now that Ahsoka and Sabine are stuck there

          Hopefully season 2 comes out quickly

          • #12768
            Lando Calrissian
              213 Midi-chlorians
              Jedi Padawan

              That makes sense- I agree that there were some good fighting scenes. Kenobi also had some good fighting scenes at the very end, but I agree that the ending to Ahsoka was pretty intriguing- more so than in many of the series so far.

            • #12787
              Sam Mulberry
                42 Midi-chlorians

                Ahsoka was fine, but I would have liked to see more action from Ezra

                Kenobi had the best action just took awhile to get to it but I agree it wasn’t as slow as andor

                • #12865
                  Lando Calrissian
                    213 Midi-chlorians
                    Jedi Padawan

                    Even though Andor was slow, in some ways I liked the pace, because it really built up the hype- like when they infiltrated the garrison on Aldhani- took a long time to get to, but then was totally awesome!

                • #12901
                  Jabba the Flubb
                    357 Midi-chlorians
                    Jedi Knight

                    Anything but BoBF- that was just too weird. Not a good idea to make a sci-fi be like an old western in my opinion

                  • #12994
                    Jabba the Flubb
                      357 Midi-chlorians
                      Jedi Knight

                      I would say that I liked Ahsoka but there were just too many plot holes for me. It still was decent, but not my favorite

                  • #12867
                    Jabba the Flubb
                      357 Midi-chlorians
                      Jedi Knight

                      Andor is the best for sure.

                      Sure- it’s way different from everything else Star Wars, but I think it’s different in a good way. Really shows how evil the Empire is and how dangerous the galaxy really is, to the point that it hits close to home

                      That plus the great acting and intense build ups make it my favorite so far

                      I am curious to see though what the Acolyte will be like

                      • #12868
                        Lando Calrissian
                          213 Midi-chlorians
                          Jedi Padawan

                          Good point- yeah I like how real the galaxy feels in Andor. I’ll be looking forward to Season 2 for sure

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