What would you fix to make the Book of Boba Fett better?

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    • #12956
      Jabba the Flubb
        352 Midi-chlorians
        Jedi Knight

        I think most fans agree that the Book of Boba Fett was a bit of a disappointment. There were some things I liked about it, but ultimately, it just felt lacking. I want to know what you would have changed to make it better- or was the fundamental plot just not the right direction for the story to take?

      • #12977
        Jabba the Flubb
          352 Midi-chlorians
          Jedi Knight

          I think they needed to change the direction after Boba learned from the Tusken people. Instead of defending Mos Espa and becoming its major domo, I think he should have gone on a specific hunting task to uncover a plot by the Hutts or something that involved more mystery and hunting around the galaxy.

        • #16593
          Lando Calrissian
            442 Midi-chlorians
            Jedi Knight

            I think it would have been really cool if Boba ended up needing to catch a bounty as part of the plot somehow…something that would have shown him in his true element and how good he is at hunting and fighting.

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