
What do you think the ‘M-count’ is?

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    • #13680
      Lando Calrissian
        213 Midi-chlorians
        Jedi Padawan

        I’ve got a few ideas myself, but I really want to know what everyone thinks the ‘M-count’ is. And what do you think the ‘M’ stands for?

      • #13802
        Reyna Fett
          404 Midi-chlorians
          Jedi Padawan

          I think ‘M-count’ is Midiclorian count. Because aren’t they trying to prolong Palpys life? I heard that Jedi age slowly and live longer than average lifespans so maybe Palpatine is trying to do that? He’s a Sith and none of them seem to age gracefully. He’s always been scared of dying. It also seems like they’re trying to justify Palps returning in the rise of Skywalker
          (I really have no idea this is just my speculation)

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