
Was Vader more powerful than Palpatine?

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  • Author
    • #12990
      Jabba the Flubb
        357 Midi-chlorians
        Jedi Knight

        Okay, so I know it may seem like an unnecessary or superficial question, but I’ve always wondered if Vader did become stronger than Palpatine or not. In EP 3, Palpatine tells Yoda that Anakin will become more powerful than either of them which tells me he wasn’t more powerful than them yet, but probably would be. What are your thoughts?

      • #12993
        Lando Calrissian
          213 Midi-chlorians
          Jedi Padawan

          I don’t think Palpatine ever let Vader get as strong as he was. I think Vader’s abilities were severely stunted after he lost to Obi-Wan on Mustafar, which played right into Sidious’ hand.

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