
Was Ahsoka referenced in Tales of the Empire?

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    • #14846
        438 Midi-chlorians
        Jedi Padawan

        In the final episode of Tales of the Empire, when Lyn Rakish (Fourth Sister) is spotted in the distance from Barriss’ hut, she tells her aides to take the family off-world. When asked where they should take them, Barriss simply says “To see an old friend, she’ll know what to do”. To me, this immediately made me think of Ahsoka, because as we know from The Clone Wars show that they were good friends, and it can be presumed that at this time Ahsoka is already working alongside Bail Organa in the early rebellion.
        However, the only problem is that Barriss framed Ahsoka for the Jedi Temple bombing and therefore their relationship is likely shattered beyond repair, meaning that Ahsoka most likely wouldn’t be in contact with Barriss.
        Despite this, I could see Ahsoka forgiving Barriss and helping her out.
        Another person who the “old friend” could be, is Ventress as we know from The Bad Batch season three that she is still around and willing to help potentially force sensitives. I don’t much evidence of this though.
        What do you think?

      • #14852
        Lando Calrissian
          213 Midi-chlorians
          Jedi Padawan

          I think Ahsoka is who I also thought was most likely when Barriss said this. I like the idea too that the two of them actually made amends and became real friends after their struggles together as padawans on Geonosis, and much later during Barriss’ awful betrayal in setting up Ahsoka to take the blame for the bombings on the Jedi Temple. While Ventress is a possibility – and I do think her story has more to be told post-Empire’s rise to power – I agree that this is less likely. Almost certainly couldn’t be referring to Obi-Wan given his anonymity in hiding. Overall, I like the ‘Tale of the…” series because they really given so much more meaning to main story arcs. I hope Ventress gets to be in one of these, and maybe even see one about Omega later if/when she joins the Rebellion, or what she ends up doing.

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