‘Star Wars: The Acolyte’ – Official Fan Discussion Page

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    • #14737
      Lando Calrissian
        428 Midi-chlorians
        Jedi Knight

        Hi all! We want to know what you as fans really think of this new series. This is not a place to display hate messages, but rather, we want to know what your true critiques are.

        1. What did you like or consider to be good developments as a result of the series?
        2. What does the series do well?
        3. Were there new technologies or aspects of the Force or storytelling that ‘The Acolyte’ did well?
        4. What storyline aspects were poor or do you think should be changed?
        5. What other aspects of the series weakened it or did you not like and why?
      • #14757
          81 Midi-chlorians
          Jedi Youngling

          I’m writing this with only the first 3 episodes out so far, but my hopes for a solid Star Wars series are not as high as they were.


          I liked the first 2 episodes fairly well- I think the Acolyte does a good job displaying the Jedi Order in an era different from any other on screen. Master Sol is a neat Jedi- I like how he’s compassionate and puts the ‘bigger picture’ in view when following the Jedi Order; he shows how one can be a compassionate and considerate Jedi while still adhering to the Order. The general concept of Jedi investigating mysterious murders is also cool.

          I had a lot of problems with the third episode though. The biggest was: Why would Mae turn homicidal and want to kill her sister just after they finished saying how much they love each other and just because Osha wants to be a Jedi? That makes no sense and was out of proportion. It makes the whole episode lack credibility, and dramatically weakens the whole show. Also, I really didn’t like that it’s heavily suggested that Mae and Osha were conceived of the Force (or maybe I misunderstood this?). If they were, this really weakens the whole anomaly of Anakin Skywalker, normalizing his origins and frankly making the whole Skywalker Saga less meaningful – which I think is a HUGE mistake given that all of Star Wars is built on the foundation of the first 6 films.

          I’m still going to keep watching though. I’m hopeful these flaws aren’t central to the storyline and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for some better storytelling going forward.

          • #14795
            Jabba the Flubb
              350 Midi-chlorians
              Jedi Padawan

              Yeah- I agree that Mae wanting to kill her sister all of the sudden – especially after that whole “you and me” mantra and telling each other that they love each other – was way over the top.

              Also… how on earth did a coven made entirely of rock burn up and kill everyone by just lighting a door on fire? I think we’re supposed to think their mothers and everyone died in the fire, though I bet there’s a plot twist and that’s not really how they died, but still- I’m not buying any of it. Just honestly quite lame storytelling all around. I’m still going to try to be positive though and keep watching – hoping that the storytelling gets better from here. I do like Master Sol- he seems really cool.

            • #14804
              Ani Bobani
                45 Midi-chlorians

                The whole conception through the force thing wasn’t my favorite with Anakin. I’m really not sure how I feel about it for Mae and Osha. But maybe it’s not the same kind of conception since koril and aniseya seem to talk about it a little differently than Anakin’s situation, but I guess we’ll see

            • #14796
              Todd Stetts
                18 Midi-chlorians

                Master Sol is cool- I feel like he’s that rare Jedi that understands and follows the Jedi Code, while also understanding how to still show compassion and that meaningful relationships are still okay, a lot like Qui-Gon. 

                Vernestra is a little stiff – but that’s okay; I think she’s supposed to be. Probably going to head-butt with Sol at some point for being compassionate because she’s so rigid. 

                I wonder if we’ll see who the Sith Lord is and learn their name…it would be cool to learn more about the list of the Rule of Two. 

                All in all, it’s decent. I do agree though that Mae trying to kill her sister was awful and not believeable at all

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