‘Star Wars: Skeleton Crew’ – Official Fan Discussion Page

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  • Author
    • #17083
      Lando Calrissian
        1326 Midi-chlorians
        Jedi Knight

        Hi everyone! What do you think so far of ‘Skeleton Crew’? Some potential prompts could be:

        1. What do you like or consider to be good developments of the series?
        2. What does the series do well?
        3. Are there new technologies or aspects of the Force or storytelling that you like about ‘Skeleton Crew’?
        4. What storyline aspects are not your favorite and why?
      • #17126
          165 Midi-chlorians
          Jedi Padawan

          Its good so far. I haven’t seen the fourth episode, so we’ll see how that is, but I think it’s kind of a fun diversion from the norm, but still builds on Star Wars and the galaxy in a good way. SM-33 is entertaining and the kids are alright. The mystery shrouding At Attin also makes the plot really interesting.

          • #18182
            Lando Calrissian
              1326 Midi-chlorians
              Jedi Knight

              Fourth episode was just okay, but overall, I think the show turned out great! What’d you think?

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