Does anyone else think that there could be other Mando/Jedi (besides Sabine)?

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    • #13805
      Reyna Fett
        404 Midi-chlorians
        Jedi Padawan

        I know it’s not likely because the Mandalorians hate the Jedi, but it says in Tarre Vizla’s Wookiepedia page “Tarre Vizsla was a Force-sensitive human male who, was inducted into the Jedi Order around 1050 BBY, becoming the first Mandalorian to do so.” ‘First Mandalorian’ it basically implies that other mandos became Jedi! I don’t know much about the EU/legends besides Karen Traviss’s Republic Commando novels so I don’t know if there already are/were; I know that technically now Sabine is in the Ahsoka show. But I want to know if there are others. It would be great for one to show up in coming shows and movies even in the background.

      • #13823
          59 Midi-chlorians
          Jedi Youngling

          I think it would be cool if there are more too, but I don’t think there are any others yet in canon. Maybe the Armorer is Force sensitive?? She is so mysterious, so I feel like it could be possible

        • #13831
          Reyna Fett
            404 Midi-chlorians
            Jedi Padawan

            Maybe, I read a theory that the Armorer is Rook from the clone wars season 7, one of the ‘mauldalorians’ but her being Force-sensitive could explain how she absolutely demolishes stormtroopers and anyone she fights.

          • #13832
            Reyna Fett
              404 Midi-chlorians
              Jedi Padawan

              I would love if Bardan Jusik from Karen Traviss’s Republic Commando novels would show up. He was a Jedi turned Mandalorian. And he got to keep his lightsaber. Really I’d like to see the whole Skirata clan. Those characters are so good and I think they really deserve a place in the official Disney cannon. Not just the EU/legends.

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