
Does anyone else think that Omega is Force-sensitive?

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  • Author
    • #13804
      Reyna Fett
        399 Midi-chlorians
        Jedi Padawan

        I know it’s probably crazy but I think Omega might be at least slightly Force-sensitive. I’ve thought this sense the beginning, the way that she seems to notice things at the same time if not before Hunter does(who has enhanced senses), like in the first episode when they are wondering where Crosshair is and she just looks at the door and is like ‘I don’t that we’ll have look far’ or something like that. AND THEN the door beeps and opens and Crosshair is RIGHT THERE. That’s just one example. Not to even mention Hemlok and ‘M-count’ in season 3 Feel free to add your own ideas or to list contradictory information.

      • #13812
        Lando Calrissian
          432 Midi-chlorians
          Jedi Knight

          I just started wondering this when Bad Batch Season 3 started several weeks ago. Very astute of you though to even be thinking about hints of it in the first season, like when she anticipated Crosshair was right behind that door. Now I’m going to have to go back and watch/review the first season to see if there are more clues to support this, but yes- I definitely think you could be right.

          • #13816
            Reyna Fett
              399 Midi-chlorians
              Jedi Padawan

              Thanks, glad I wasn’t the only one that speculated about Omega being Force-sensitive

          • #13815
            Reyna Fett
              399 Midi-chlorians
              Jedi Padawan

              Another thing from the first episode is when Omega picked up the blaster and hit Crosshair’s rifle. ONLY HIS RIFLE. without looking through the scope and having never even holding a blaster before. I do shooting sports, and hitting something that small on your first try is almost impossible. And Crosshair was moving. Not very fast but he was moving, and in a unpredictable manner. It’s easier to hit sporting clays because you know it will continue to move in a strait line till it falls out of the sky. Crosshair is not a sporting clay, he was ducking behind cover and moving places so he wouldn’t get hit.

              Also during the second season when they go treasure hunting with Phee, Omega noticed the creature that attacked them at the same time as Hunter. She could have been reading his body language but I think she noticed it too.

              Along with the cave collapse. I’d have to go back and rewatch that episode because I haven’t watched it in a while but if I remember right Omega is uneasy about the ceiling when they are shooting at the creature attacking then starts to move out of the way before Hunter grabs her because she’s not moving fast enough. (I could be wrong I haven’t watch the episode in a while and my memory is a little fuzzy on it. I’ll try to find time to rewatch it and give a more accurate retelling)

              • #14667
                  143 Midi-chlorians
                  Jedi Youngling

                  I guess we now know that she is Force sensitive. I really hope we get to see her using the Force when she works with the Rebellion

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