You’ve made it to the rank of Jedi Padawan, and now that much anticipated day has arrived: it’s time to find your kyber crystal. Before you start, you’ve been summoned to meet with none other than legendary Jedi Master Yoda himself to learn how you are to begin your journey. Anxiously, you make your way up the stairs of the Jedi Temple to meet with the Jedi Grand Master…
If the password has appeared in the upper right corner above this quiz, then congratulations! You’ve grown in the Force enough as a Jedi Youngling to now participate in one of the most sacred rites of the Jedi Order: finding your kyber crystal. You will need to be at least the rank of Jedi Youngling and have 75 midi-chlorians or more to take this quiz. Please also note that this quiz has sound.
Containing two parts, this quiz will first see which of four planets you will travel to obtain your kyber crystal- Ilum, Lothal, Christophsis, and Jedha. After being guided to your planet to begin your search, it will then be up to you to face the dangerous challenges on that planet. Based on your answers, you’ll discover one of five possible colors as your being your color: green, blue, yellow, orange, or purple. Using both canon and legends, your kyber crystal will signify what kind of Jedi you are:
- Jedi Consular (green)
- Jedi Guardian (blue)
- Jedi Sentinel (yellow)
- Jedi Aberrant (orange)
- Jedi Aggressor (purple)
With the teachings you’ve learned from the Jedi and the guidance of the Force, it’s time for you to discover your kyber crystal. May the Force be with you!