Total True Fan Rating:
A New Hope
Movie title: Episode IV: A New Hope
Movie description: After moisture farming all his life on a remote desert planet in the middle of nowhere, nineteen-year-old Luke Skywalker dreams of getting off world and doing something more with his life. But when two unassuming droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO are acquired by his uncle and play a holorecording containing a plea for help from a beautiful Princess, Luke could never have guessed what would happen next. Luke, two smugglers, a hermit from the desert, some droids, and a beautiful princess will unwittingly team up to take on the entire Empire and its terrifying new weapon: the Death Star. And since the Empire's champion, Darth Vader, knows they have the stolen plans that could reveal the colossal space station's weakness, the Dark Lord will stop at nothing until they are all destroyed.
Date published: May 25, 1977
Director(s): Director: George Lucas, Writer: George Lucas
- Plot - 0% 0%
- Acting - 0% 0%
- Visual Effects - 0% 0%
User Review
- PlotSending
- ActingSending
- Visual EffectsSending
It is a period of civil war.
Rebel spaceships, striking
from a hidden base, have won
their first victory against
the evil Galactic Empire.
During the battle, Rebel
spies managed to steal secret
plans to the Empire’s
ultimate weapon, the DEATH
STAR, an armored space
station with enough power
to destroy an entire planet.
Pursued by the Empire’s
sinister agents, Princess
Leia races home aboard her
starship, custodian of the
stolen plans that can save her
people and restore
freedom to the galaxy….
Nineteen years after the formation of the Galactic Empire, a small CR90 Corellian corvette called Tantive IV races away from an Imperial star destroyer above the desert planet of known as Tatooine. The ship had recently been sighted above the planet Scarif where a Rebel force had infiltrated an Imperial base on the planet and transmitted technical plans of a powerful superweapon known as the Death Star to a Rebel ship orbiting Scarif. SuspectingTantive IV to have the plans in its possession, Darth Vader will stop at nothing to capture the small Rebel vessel.
All around the Corellian corvette, laser fire erupts as the star destroyer known as the Devastator chases in hot pursuit. The small ship, though agile, is damaged and unable to outrun its large pursuer. After sustaining heavy damage, Tantive IV is captured.
Within the Corellian corvette, Rebel troopers prepare to be boarded. As the entrance to their ship is blown to pieces, white and black Imperial stormtroopers rush through the opening and are greeted by Rebel fire. Soon though, the stormtroopers overwhelm the fledgling group of rebels before a dark and ominous figure enters the ship: Darth Vader.
Breathing forcibly in and out through a mechanical apparatus, Darth Vader calmly strides past the Rebel corpses and grabs hold of the Tantive IV‘s captain, Raymus Antilles, lifting him in the air by his throat and demanding to know where the stolen plans to the Death Star are.
Captain Antilles grasps desperately at his throat to breathe, trying to pacify the Dark Lord by claiming the ship’s voyage to be a diplomatic mission to Alderaan. Unamused, Darth Vader chokes the unfortunate captain to death before tossing his body to the ground and commanding his stormtroopers to tear the ship apart until they have found the stolen plans.
Meanwhile, a golden protocol droid known as C-3PO pessimistically bemoans the ship’s capture and searches to find where his little friend, a blue and white astromech droid known as R2-D2, has run off to. He manages to find his friend in a dark corridor of the ship just after an elegant figure in a white dress, known as Princess Leia Organa, finishes manipulating R2-D2’s controls.
R2-D2 rushes off before C-3PO can get to him – causing C-3PO to chase after him, confused as to what is going on. Soon after they leave, stormtroopers enter the same hallway and find Princess Leia hiding behind a corner in the hallway. Leia manages to shoot one trooper but is then shot by a trooper’s blaster that was set to stun, causing her to collapse unconscious in the hallway and be taken prisoner.
Meanwhile, R2-D2 manages to coerce C-3PO into following him into an escape pod of the ship and deploy the pod, escaping from the star destroyer. Gunners on the Imperial ship see the escape pod deploy towards the surface of Tatooine but suppose that its deployment was a malfunction as their scanners did not detect any lifeforms on board.
Not long after, the two droids crash-land on the hot, sandy deserts of Tatooine. As they begin to explore the sands looking for civilization, C-3PO whines about the situation and notes his joints are going to stop working soon. R2-D2 determines to head towards a rockier portion of the desert while C-3PO angrily decides to go the other direction. After traveling in their respective directions for quite some time, both droids are individually abducted by short, robed creatures with glowing eyes known as Jawas – junk traders that frequently comb the deserts.
When R2-D2 is caught, he is taken aboard the Jawas’ sand crawler and placed in the cargo bay where he is joyfully reunited with C-3PO. Meanwhile, several Imperial sandtroopers riding on Dewbacks and walking in the sand inspect the crash site of the escape pod and determine that droids had exited the pod. They begin following the tracks in hopes of findings the droids and the stolen plans.
Across the desert along the Great Chott salt flatt, the Jawas transport their sandcrawler to a small homestead in hopes of selling parts to members of the moisture farm. From within the huts emerge an older man with sand-blown skin and confident features known as Owen Lars, and next to him, a nineteen-year-old young man with blonde hair – Luke Skywalker.
Jawas organize their droids and equipment in a line before the pair of moisture farmers. Preparing to inspect the equipment, Luke is reminded by his aunt that they need to purchase a droid that speaks Bocce. Luke joins his uncle inspecting the droids. Owen selects a red and white astromech droid known as R5-D4 for purchase, and then walks further down the line, stopping in front of C-3PO to ask the protocol droid if he can speak the binary language of moisture vaporators as well as Bocce.
C-3PO proudly asserts that he can indeed speak both languages with ease, and Owen gruffly tells him to be quiet, informing the Jawas that he will also purchase C-3PO. As Luke begins leading the two droids back their settlement, R5-D4’s top blows off, causing Luke to believe the droid has a bad motivator. Angry, Owen accuses the Jawas of a dishonest sale and instead decides to purchase R2-D2 in R5’s place.
Frustrated that he can’t go to Tosche Station, Luke takes the two droids within the huts down below to be cleaned. As he begins scraping off dirt, he notices that both of the droids have significant amounts of carbon scoring on them, and concludes they must have been around a lot of blaster fire. C-3PO admits that they were in the service of the Rebellion, which excites Luke as he has always wanted to join the Rebellion.
As Luke continues cleaning R2-D2, he realizes that something has been jammed into R2’s anterior plating and is attempting to pry it out when he inadvertently activates a hidden message within the droid. R2’s display suddenly emits a hologram of a robed princess who pleadingly states, “Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.”
The princess repeats her plea while Luke stares confused and entranced. R2-D2 then shuts off the message and feigns ignorance to the message he has played, causing C-3PO to believe that the astromech droid is malfunctioning.
R2 then beguiles Luke into removing his restraining bolt, telling him that if it is removed, he may be able to replay the entire message. As soon as Luke removes the bolt though, the message shuts off and R2 acts confused, as if didn’t know anything about the message at all.
Luke then greets his aunt and uncle, sitting down to eat dinner with them. While they eat, Luke asks Owen if the hermit known as Ben Kenobi might be related to the Obi-Wan from R2-D2’s recording to which Owen feigns ignorance before eventually claiming that Obi-Wan died around the same time as Luke’s father. Luke is confused and unsuccessfully tries to learn more as he can tell there is something his uncle won’t tell him.
Luke changes the subject and states he wishes to go and join the Rebel Academy early as they have acquired more droids to aid in the harvest. When Owen resists the idea, Luke is frustrated and leaves, walking out onto the desert to watch as twin suns set over the horizon. Peering out at the suns, Luke searches for a deeper future feeling trapped, but refusing to give in to a life of moisture farming.
After returning to clean the droids, Luke finds C-3PO hiding, who admits to his new master that R2-D2 rode off into the desert in pursuit of some mission. Luke scans the horizon with his macrobinoculars, but can’t see the little astromech droid anwhere and determines they will have to wait until morning to search for him as it is too dangerous to travel at night with the Sand People roaming.
Early the following morning, Luke takes C-3PO with him in an X-34 landspeeder to search for the missing droid. They manage to track R2-D2 to the Jundland Wastes and find the rogue droid hobbling forward, determined to find Obi-Wan Kenobi. From R2’s scanners, Luke realizes that Sand People are likely nearby. He grabs his macrobinoculars and begins scanning for them from a vantage point, only to be attacked by them from behind.
Luke attempts to evade the blows by their gaderffii sticks but is quickly overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, being dragged back to his landspeeder and tossed on the ground while the Sand People – also known as Tusken Raiders – begin rummaging through the landspeeder.
A robed figure appears from the desert at the same time however that emits the terrifying cry of a krayt dragon, causing the Tusken Raiders to flee in terror. The robed figure arrives and inspects the unconscious Luke, and finds R2-D2 hiding in a crevice and removes his hood to reveal an older man with a white-gray beard and hair.
Luke wakes up and R2-D2 joins them. Luke realizes that Ben Kenobi has saved him and asks if he Obi-Wan Kenobi might be a relative of his, to which Ben admits the he himself is Obi-Wan, but hasn’t gone by that name for a long time.
Together with C-3PO, the group travels to Ben’s hutt in the Jundland Wastes. There, Ben reveals that he was once a Jedi Knight, and so was Luke’s father, dispelling Luke’s belief that his father was a navigator on a spice freighter. Ben then gives to Luke his father’s weapon as a Jedi – a lightsaber. Luke ignites the weapon and carefully waves it through the air, in awe at the bright light and vibratory sound it emits.
Luke asks Obi-Wan how his father died. Kenobi tells him that there was a young Jedi who turned to the Dark Side named Darth Vader who hunted down and betrayed Luke’s father – killing him.
Ben then tells Luke about the mysteries of the Force; that it is an energy field that surround, penetrates and binds the galaxy together. Ben attempts to convince Luke that he should also learn the ways of the Force and travel with him to Alderaan, but Luke is incredulous and states that he can’t go with Ben to Alderaan.
The group then leaves Kenobi’s hut and stumbles upon the same Jawa sandcrawler that had housed R2-D2 and C-3PO before they were sold. But much to Luke’s dismay, the sandcrawler has been blasted and destroyed – and the Jawas slaughtered. Gaderffii sticks lay on the ground, making it appear that the Sand People were their killers.
However, Obi-Wan points out that the tracks are side-by-side, not single file as Tuskens would travel and notes that the blast points are too precise; thus he concludes that it was Imperial stormtroopers who destroyed the sandcrawler and are tracking the droids.
Luke fears that the troopers must have also gone to his home. He rushes home in his landspeeder to find his homestead destroyed with smoke rising from its edifices and his aunt and uncle’s charred bodies lying outside the entrance. Solemn and horrified, he returns to the sandcrawler and commits to Ben that he will indeed leave travel with him and that he wants to learn the ways of the Force to become a Jedi like his father.
Obi-Wan and Luke, alongside R2-D2 and C-3PO, then travel to Mos Eisley in search of a freighter pilot that can take them to Alderaan. After using a Jedi mind trick to get past Stormtroopers that seek to interrogate them about R2-D2 and C-3PO, Kenobi leads them to Chalmun’s Spaceport Cantina where species all across the galaxy gather for a drink.
Inside, the Bith known as Figran D’an and his band The Modal Nodes play catchy tunes while Luke and Ben search for a pilot. Somewhat naïve and ignorant, Luke stands out amidst the rough crowd of space pilots and smugglers.
While Obi-Wan meets with a Wookiee named Chewbacca, Luke waits at the bar and finds himself an unwelcomed guest. A disfigured human known as Dr. Cornelius Evazan approaches Luke to inform him that his friend (an Aqualish thug known as Ponda Baba) doesn’t like Luke.
Luke attempts to act coy and unconcerned, but the exchange only leads to more anger. Obi-Wan tries to calm the situation by offering to buy them drinks when Evazan throws Luke to the ground and draws a blaster, alongside Ponda Baba. Obi-Wan quickly ignites his lightsaber slashing Evazan across the chest and cutting off Ponda’s arm at the same time.
The cantina grows quiet as Obi-Wan and Luke leave the bar with Chewbacca to discuss things over with Chewbacca’s smuggling partner, Han Solo. Together, they settle on 17,000 credits for the trip to Alderaan. After Luke and Ben leave, Han is greeted by Rodian bounty hunter, Greedo, who seeks to turn Han in to Jabba the Hutt as Han has faulted on several owed payments.
Greedo attempts to intimidate Solo by telling him he’s going to turn Solo in to Jabba, but that Han can give him the money up front instead if he’d like. Han doesn’t have the money, and instead, silently draws his blaster from under the table, managing to shoot Greedo, just before the bounty hunter can fire on him.
Han returns to Docking Bay 94 where his starship, the Millennium Falcon rests and finds Jabba the Hutt waiting for him there. Solo is able to use his charisma to charm the Hutt into waiting on a bigger payment, as Han just obtained a job as a charter for Luke and Obi-Wan. After Jabba leaves, the Jedi and young farm boy arrive with their droids and board- barely escaping from the spaceport just as Imperial troops arrive to try to capture Luke’s C-3PO and R2-D2.
Han and Chewbacca navigate the Millennium Falcon out of Tatooine’s atmosphere and find several Imperial star destroyers waiting for them. Heavy fire rains down on their ship, but before the star destroyers can incapacitate them, Han manages to make the jump to light speed and escape to the Alderaan System.
On the Death Star, Grand Moff Tarkin is annoyed that Princess Leia has been able to resist the IT-O interrogation droid and deny them knowledge of the Rebel Base’s location. As a cunning strategist, Tarkin decides to employ a different strategy to get the princess to talk.
The Death Star travels to Alderaan, and once there, Tarkin has Leia brought before him and gives her an ultimatum. She is to choose the first planet on which the Death Star demonstrates its fully destructive capabilities. She can either tell them the location of the hidden Rebel Base to have it destroyed, or she can continue to resist, and they will destroy her homeworld of Alderaan.
In extreme distress, Leia doesn’t know what to do, attempting to argue with Tarkin before being silenced. Staring out the viewport at her beloved homeworld of Alderaan, Leia puts on an act and begrudgingly tells them that the base of the Rebel Alliance is located on Dantooine, looking down in feigned disappointment to cover her lie as the Rebel Base is not really located there.
Grand Moff Tarkin is pleased to learn the supposed location of the base, but notes that Dantooine is too far away to make an effective demonstration. Eager to still test the Death Star’s abilities, he tells his operatives they may fire the Death Star on Alderaan anyways.
Leia is extremely upset but remains helpless as Darth Vader clasps her shoulder. Broken and distraught, Leia has no choice but to watch as the Death Star’s massive green lasers power up and coalesce before forming a massive energy beam that hits Alderaan’s surface, immediately blowing the planet into an oblivion.
Still en route to Alderaan, Obi-Wan senses an immense destruction and sits down before he can collapse of the shock he feels at the deaths of millions of individuals. He is unaware though that the destruction was in fact that of their destination, and the crew continues on, with Luke learning to train with a lightsaber while Chewbacca and R2-D2 play against each other in a game of Dejarik.
Not long after, the crew arrives at their destination and is shocked to find Alderaan nowhere in sight. Soon after, they spot an Imperial TIE fighter and begin following it before they realize that it is headed towards what appears to be a small moon. As they draw closer however, they learn that the ‘moon’ is actually a massive battle station – one larger than any every described in the history of the galaxy.
Chewbacca and Han quickly attempt to turn their ship around, but before they can do so, the ship becomes locked in a tractor beam and they are pulled in and forced to land on a docking bay of the Death Star. In order to escape Imperial detection, they hide under the floorboards of the ship in hidden smuggling compartments.
After stormtroopers and Imperial personnel make an initial sweep of the Falcon, Han waits for a moment to ambush two Imperials who bring a scanner on board and then lures the guarding stormtroopers below to enter before killing them. Luke and Han don the stormtroopers’ armor and formulate a plan to find and rescue Princess Leia while Obi-Wan infiltrates the station and finds a way to deactivate the tractor beam.
Scanning the Death Stars networks, R2-D2 determines that Leia is being held in Detention Block AA-23 on Level 5 of the prisoner levels. Luke tries to convince Han to rescue her as they learn she is scheduled to be terminated. Han is initially resistant to the idea as he knows this will complicate their escape, but eventually agrees when he learns the princess is rich and would likely compensate him generously.
The two devise a plan and place cuffs on Chewbacca – pretending to be transporting him as a Wookiee prisoner while R2-D2 and C-3PO wait for them hidden in the Imperial side room. They manage to arrive at the detention block and are forced to gun down the Imperial security personnel there to avoid detection. The fight though triggers an alarm that alerts more Imperial guards and Han realizes that they have only seconds before more troops will arrive.
Luke finds Leia’s cell and opens it. Leia peers up at him and sarcastically asks, “Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?” before Luke removes his helmet and reveals he is working with Ben Kenobi to rescue her. After escaping the cell, numerous stormtroopers arrive, and Han, Luke, Chewbacca and Leia are all trapped in the corridor to the prisoners’ cells. With no other options left for escape, Leia blasts open a duct leading to the garbage chute and the four of them jump in, sliding down into a a large chamber of fluid, trash, and broken parts.
While wading through the knee-high liquid and trash searching for a way out, a tentacle wraps around Luke and pulls him under. Han and Leia frantically search for him to no avail. Just when Luke seems truly gone, a creaking sound comes from the walls and Luke reemerges, gasping for air and realizing that the creature (known as a dianoga) has disappeared.
Despite recovering Luke, the foursome quickly realize they are in serious danger when the walls of their chamber begin approaching each other, slowly smashing the garbage as the go. Han attempts to brace a metal beam against the walls, but they continue to close in. Desperate, Luke yells over his comlink, repeatedly begging C-3PO to shut down all the garbage compactors in the detention level.
Unfortunately, at the time of Luke’s pleadings C-3PO and R2-D2 were distracted, having been caught by stormtroopers in their hiding room. After convincing the troopers that they were victims of the Millennium Falcon‘s crew, C-3PO picks up his comlink and hears Luke’s panicked voice.
Alarmed, C-3PO frantically commands R2-D2 to shut down the garbage compactors. R2-D2 attempts to work quickly while interfacing with the battle station’s computers, but the walls continue to close in, with just a few feet remaining before Luke, Han, Leia and Chewbacca are doomed. Then, with just a small amount of space between the walls, R2 manages to shut down the compactor and release them – the foursome shouting for joy.
After escaping from the compactor, Han and Luke shed their stormtrooper armor and the four of them head back to the Falcon, but run into several legions of stormtroopers on the way, leading to a chase through the corridors of the Death Star.
Meanwhile, while Princess Leia was rescued, Ben Kenobi managed to find the tractor beam terminal and shut it down without being detected. As he is just returning to Han’s ship however, he runs into a dark figure waiting for him at the end of the hallway: Darth Vader. The Sith Lord had sensed his presence.
With his crimson blade already ignited, Obi-Wan and Vader greet each other, acknowledging it has been years since they last saw one another. Quickly a lightsaber duel breaks out between them, and the duel creates a distraction, drawing several stormtroopers from across the hangar bay to draw closer to observe the duel.
Luke and the crew head towards the Falcon and spot Obi-Wan and Darth Vader from across the hangar bay- dueling in the opening of a corridor. As the duel grows more deadly, Obi-Wan glances over at Luke and ceases fighting, pointing his lightsaber upwards and yielding to Darth Vader. Without a moment’s hesitation, Vader neatly slashes at Obi-Wan’s neck, but just as he does so, Obi-Wan’s body immaterializes into thin air.
Luke watches from across the hangar bay and sees Vader slash at Obi-Wan, before the ancient Jedi Master disappears. “No!” Luke yells as he angrily blasts down the surrounding stormtroopers. In his mind he then hears Obi-Wan’s voice, telling him to run before quickly boarding the Millennium Falcon.
With the tractor beam shut down, the crew is able to escape, but not before being chased down by four TIE fighters. Solo and Skywalker man the gun turrets and eventually manage to shoot down the fighters before escaping and heading to Yavin 4 – a jungle moon orbiting the gas giant Yavin Prime – and location of the hidden Rebel Alliance Base.
Unbeknownst to them however, Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin had a homing beacon hidden aboard the Millennium Falcon; causing Solo and his crew to unwittingly lead the Empire straight to the hidden Rebel base!
On Yavin 4, Han Solo and Chewbacca determine they will not assist the Rebellion further, only expecting to be paid, while Luke decides to join the Rebel pilots in a strike against the Death Star. General Jan Dodonna debriefs Luke and the other pilots on the schematics of the Death Star, having found a small two-meter wide thermal exhaust port where a proton torpedo could be fired to trigger a chain reaction to destroy the battle station.
After the debriefing, Luke heads to his X-wing starfighter within the hangar bay of Base One – the Rebel’s base set within an ancient Massassi temple. On the way, Luke runs into his old boyhood friend, Biggs Darklighter and they both speak excitedly before they prepare to man their starfighters.
Luke under the callsign of ‘Red Five’ flies his X-wing alongside the other Rebel pilots, heading toward the Death Star which slowly waits to orbit around the gas giant Yavin to gain a clear line of fire on the Rebel Base on Yavin 4. It is the beginning of one of the most famous battles in the history of the galaxy: The Battle of Yavin.
The stakes on both sides of the battle are high: the Empire has a clearly exposed weakness on its most resource-intensive technology, while the Rebel Alliance has all of its base consolidated and exposed on a single moon. To make matters more daring, after the Battle of Scarif, the Rebels have very few starfighters left; only three squadrons are available to attack the Death Star: Green Squadron – composed of ten X-wings fighters, Gold Squadron – composed of eight Y-wing bombers, and Red Squadron – composed of about twelve fighters.
The three Rebel squadrons approach the Death Star and the Y-wing bombers attempt to enter the Death Star’s trench in order to navigate to the thermal exhaust port and release their proton torpedos. Three Y-wings gain access on the first attack run – Dex Tiree, Jon ‘Dutch’ Vander, and Davish Krail – but unfortunately, all three are gunned down by Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced x1 fighter and wingmen long before the Y-wings can arrive at the port.
Red Squadron’s leader, Garven Dreis then ordered Luke, Wedge Antilles (Red Two), and Biggs Darklighter (Red Three) to wait above while he, alongside Theron Nett (Red Ten) and Puck Naeco (Red Twelve) would enter the trench and attempt an attack. The three X-wings swoop into the trench with turret fire all around them. As they approach the target though, Luke spots Vader and his wingmen chasing them. Darth Vader manages to gun down Theron and Puck, but only barely before Dreis manages to launch his proton torpedos and escape the trench.
Unfortunately, his shot only impacted the surface and Dreis is destroyed by Darth Vader’s fighter quickly after. Luke decides to try an attempt and commands Biggs and Wedge to follow him at full throttle to keep the fighters from targeting them as easily.
After fixing a stabilizer and evading the Death Star’s trench turret, Luke hangs on trying to approach the exhaust port, but matters worsen after Wedge takes a hit and must bail from the trench. Biggs attempts to protect Luke, but is shot down by Vader, much to Luke’s dismay.
On Yavin 4, Princess Leia, General Dodonna and the rest of the Rebel’s forces watch on in terror as Luke speeds forward, with Darth Vader giving him chase. All hope of destroying the Death Star now lies in the hands of a young farm boy from Tatooine – and there are only thirty seconds left before Yavin 4 will be in range of the Death Star’s deadly lasers. R2-D2 works to optimize Luke’s X-wing to its full speed as Darth Vader closes in.
Skywalker turns on his targeting computer, but as he views its monitor, he hears Obi-Wan’s voice through the Force, telling him to let go and use the Force instead. In an immense act of faith, Luke turns off his targeting computer, prompting the Rebel leaders on Yavin 4 to grow concerned, though Luke reassures them.
Darth Vader attempts to draw a line of fire on Luke’s X-wing, but notes Luke is difficult to target and that the Force is strong with him. Eventually however, as the fighters are about to arrive at the exhaust port, Vader is able to score a hit on the top of Luke’s X-wing, hitting R2-D2 who cries out in shock.
Despite the hit, Luke hangs on. Just as the Rebel Base becomes within target range of the Death Star, Luke is nearly at the port, but Vader is ready to fire again. Suddenly from above, before Darth Vader can destroy Luke, Han Solo arrives in the Millennium Falcon and fires on Vader’s wingmen, causing one of the TIE fighters to clip Vader’s ship, spiraling him away from the trench and out of control.
In sheer relief, Luke flies forward and uses the Force, launching his torpedoes at the precise moment – landing a perfect shot and sending the torpedos down the shaft towards the center of the Death Star.
Luke, Wedge, and the Falcon take off and zoom away from the battle station. Grand Moff Tarkin stares out at Yavin 4 as the Death Star’s laser’s charge up, but before they fire, the Death Star explodes in a massive ring of brilliant glow, its metal pieces ripping apart and rocketing off into space.
Back at the Rebel Base, everyone is overjoyed. As Luke, Wedge, Han, and Chewbacca and the surviving ships return, they are greeted as saving war heroes. An honorary ceremony is held and Leia places medals around Luke and Han before presenting them to the Rebel Alliance in joyous celebration – having won a massive victory against the Galactic Empire.
Not really sure why we’re allowed to rate this film, since it’s kind of the standard for all of Star Wars. I’d give it an 11/10 if I could
Easily in my top 2 favorite films
It’s literally THE STAR WARS!! It’s one of my favs