Congratulations! Your species is Nautolan


Nautolans were amphibious, capable of breathing both air and water. They were known to be capable of surviving in extreme environments. Their skin could be green, blue, gray, purple, orange, or yellow, with red or green blood. One of their most notable features were their large, dark eyes, which were a product of evolution; through these eyes, they could spot details in lightless oceans.

Another notable detail were their long tendrils, which grew from their heads. These tendrils contained highly-sensitive olfactory receptors that were chemical-sensing, and most notably used to detect pheromones, allowing them to perceive expressions of emotion and other subtle changes in the body. Nautolans could translate pheromones emitted by other beings into an understanding of a being’s emotional state. These head tresses could be severed, and while they were incapable of growing back, there were minimal long-term effects.

The Nautolans were known as a peaceful race, and disliked unnecessary violence. However, when forced to fight, they were skilled warriors. They had great respect for what they called the “ocean spirit,” which they believed existed to maintain the balance of nature on Glee Anselm. Nautolan society was prosperous, and they were generous in sharing their resources with others. The species was most comfortable underwater, preferring to be immersed in liquid.

The Nautolan language, Nautila, involved the use of pheromones to communicate. These pheromones could be used to convey complex ideas, including full sentences and map coordinates. Nautolans had a cultural tradition moving their faces close together, placing one’s cheeks next to another’s cheeks, when saying goodbye.