
The Elomin were tall humanoids with thin heads crowned by four distinctive horns. Away from their homeworld, they are occasionally mistaken for Zabraks, who were more common across the galaxy. The Elomin had large, pointed ears and nearly solid-colored, bright eyes of a wide variety of hues. Their skin color ranges from black to brighter shades of red. Their fingers had small sharp, claw-like nails.
Despite long involvement in the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire, many Elomin preferred working on their own or with other Elomin whenever possible. These xenophobic tendencies also played into their dealings with the Eloms. However, in spite of their insular societal tendencies, many individual Elomin were driven by a thirst for knowledge that took them into the wider galaxy.
Elomin lived in politically divided lands, with countries and cities. They actively participated in galactic society and were members of the Republic long before their discovery of the Elom. Joining the Republic advanced Elomin technology to a very advanced space age in a short time. The Elomin pursued patterns of logic and puzzle out the ways of the universe. They were capable of reordering their thinking when presented with enough evidence, but they could stubbornly hold to previous ideas and ignore new discoveries or advances until it was overwhelming. This dogged adherence to a well-established order cemented the Elomin stance after the initial discovery of the Eloms. The decree recognizing the Eloms’ sentience forced the Elomin to formally acknowledge the reality. It had taken years of Imperial abuse for the Elomin to acknowledge that they now must turn to their underground neighbors for assistance so that both species could survive.