
Pantorans were a sentient species that looked very similar to humans. They had two legs, two arms ending in five-fingered hands, a torso and a single head. Pantorans had blue skin that turned indigo when they blushed, and yellow eyes. However, at least one Pantoran was known to have blue eyes. They grew hair on the top of the head, and, in males, on the lower parts of the face. The color of their hair varied from white and purple to blue and black.
Some Pantorans also displayed simple golden facial tattoos known simply as Pantoran tattoos as a status symbol or to represent their clan and family. Given to a Pantoran during childhood, these tattoos were based on ancient Pantoran texts. The Pantorans had a greater resilience to low temperatures than humans. Kevmo Zink suspected that Rodians and Pantorans saw light across a different spectrum but was unsure what the exact difference was. Known individuals ranged from 1.65 to 1.77 meters in height. Chiss, a more obscure blue-skinned species, were sometimes mistaken for Pantorans. However, unlike the Pantorans, the Chiss had red eyes.
Most Pantorans adorned their faces with yellow or bright gold tattoos that signified their family affiliation. Kiza had those markings on her arms. Those like Lassa Rhayme, who had no loyalties toward a family, bore no markings at all. The Pantoran regime was a democracy, and its governing body was the Pantoran Assembly.
Pantoran architecture was very vertical: whereas other cultures left their rooftops bare, Pantorans would not waste space, building more structures atop others and planting gardens. Their cities were elegant and somber, built amongst dreary marshy tundra that stretched away beneath overcast skies. Some Pantorans were known to worship an unnamed moon goddess.