

Zeltrons were a humanoid sentient species whose skin varied in shades of red. Whenever a Zeltron became angry, their skin turned a deeper red. A Zeltron boy served as a youngling in the Jedi Order during the last decades of the Galactic Republic’s reign and often sparred with the human youngling Caleb Dume.

Lorica Demaris, who joined the Resistance, was a female Zeltron. Allegedly, the Zeltrons gave off pheromones that made people like them and had a calming effect. Although Demaris was unsure of the veracity of that belief, she did manage to calm down an angry Gigoran by petting her.

Regardless of the veracity regarding pheromones, Zeltrons due to their unique nature were known to experience amplified versions of the feelings of those around them, especially those they cared about. On their very first day of grade school, young Zeltrons were taught that they should not let themselves be led around by their emotions.