Congratulations! Your species is Human


Humans had a ubiquitous presence throughout the galaxy. They were bipedal with two upper extremities ending in dexterous five-digit hands. As a result of varying melanin production, a variety of skin tones were possible, ranging from pale white to tan to near-black.

Although somewhat disputed by historians, the human homeworld is thought to be Coruscant – the massive metropolitan city planet located near the core of the galaxy. Given their pervasive presence throughout both core and outer rim worlds, humans are thought to have developed hyperdrive technology early as a species and explored the galaxy at an ambitious rate.

Many humans performed or held significant and influential roles in the history of the galaxy including Sheev Palpatine as Galactic Emperor, Anakin Skywalker as talented Jedi Knight and prophesied Chosen One, and Rey Skywalker as the Last Jedi.

It’s significant to note that during the reign of the Galactic Empire, the Imperial philosophy demonstrated significant speciesism, almost uniquely placing humans in roles of leadership and power within the Imperial Regime. In stark contrast, the Rebel Alliance was composed of both humans and a large variety of non-human species demonstrating intragalactic harmony and cooperation.