Congratulations! Your species is Kel Dor

Kel Dor

The Kel Dor were a tall, humanoid species that possessed three fingers and a thumb on each hand. The thick, leathery hide that covered their bodies allowed them to survive exposure to the vacuum of space for a time. The Kel Dor wore masks to filter the air when they were offworld due to oxygen being poisonous to them. They also wore goggles to protect their eye fluids from evaporating. Genetically, they were distantly related to the Gand and Tognath species, who similarly wore breath masks when offworld.

Kel Dor society was made of clans. The antiox masks that the Kel Dor wore were decorated with patterns that were unique to each clan.

The Kel Dor were directly represented in the Galactic Senate. Within the Senate Building, the Kel Dor delegation occupied several rooms that were equipped so that antiox masks were unnecessary.