Congratulations! Your species is Rodian


Rodians were a species of reptilian humanoids. They possessed large pupil-less eyes that could see in infrared spectrum. Indeed, the Pantoran Kevmo Zink suspected the Rodians and his people saw different spectrums of light, but he was not sure what the exact divide was. Rodians also had twin saucer-like antennae that detected vibrations and twitched atop their head. Rodians also had slender snouts, pointed ears, and a ridge of spines cresting their skulls. Their snouts were said to resemble those of tapirs.

Green—but sometimes red, yellow, or turquoise—scales covered their bodies, and their skin had a rough, pebbly texture, except on the snout and hands. They were cold blooded and had green blood. Females were physically distinguished by their mammary glands, and some of them, like Greeata Jendowanian, were capable of growing long tresses. The Rodian hand featured five long, dexterous fingers with suction cups at the ends. The pads helped them cope with the variety of conditions associated with living in a swamp, and could be used to help them climb aquatic vegetation. The shape of the Rodian hand, however, was as such that if an object was designed for their species, it would be uncomfortable for a human to use. Their toes were a lot like their fingers: long and tipped by suction cups.

Although they were oxygen breathers, Rodians could breathe an air saturated with Clouzon-36 without the assistance of a respirator. Rodians smelled rank to humans.

Rodians spoke the languages Rodian and Galactic Basic Standard. Rodians greeted or showed respect to others with a salute consisting of an open-palmed hand across the chest, either with one or both arms. Before the Galactic Civil War, it was common for groups of Rodians to hunt ghests, slithering creatures that preyed on Rodians, though there were often casualties. Rodians were self-aware, and some Rodians used perfume to create a pleasant environment for humans.

Rodia’s jungles fostered an idealization of hunting in Rodian culture. Many unqualified rookies became bounty hunters to gain respect and accolades.