
Ugnaughts were diminutive, porcine humanoids who had pink skin, upturned noses, white hair, and thick layers of jowls. Some had tusks that they used in blood duels, They were strong and resilient, and their life-spans reached up to more than 200 standard years. Ugnaught children were knowns as “Ugletts.” Members of the species who lived on Cloud City had a diet of genteslugs and various types of molds and fungi grown in dark, dank side tunnels off their main living areas. The Ugnaught’s natural habitat was desert or wastelands.
The Ugnaughts divided themselves into a tribal hierarchy. They favored the color red, the presence of which tended to improve their work productivity. Accusing their work of malfunctioning was considered an insult among Ugnaughts. It was common for Ugnaughts to end a statement with the phrase “I have spoken.”
Ugnaughts evolved on Gentes, a planet located in the Anoat sector of the Outer Rim Territories. However, throughout history, many were sold into slavery and taken to new worlds to work as indentured servants.
By the time of the Galactic Empire’s blockade of the Anoat sector, few Ugnaught clans remained on Gentes, and slavers still raided their homes. Out of desperation, the porcine beings were forced to hide in the swamps and send out a distress signal, offering supplies to whoever would rescue them.
Many Ugnaughts who remained on Gentes were sold into slavery and were spread throughout the galaxy.