Congratulations! Your species is Muun


The Muuns were a tall, pale humanoid species, known commonly across the galaxy as greed-driven bankers. The species’ elongated skulls added to their height. Muuns hairless heads featured small eyes over a long, shallow nose, often giving them nasally speech. Their small ears were also flat, and were found underneath their skullcap. Their thin arms were of normal length, featuring five-digit hands. The last two fingers of their hands were much shorter than the others. Underneath their slim waist were a pair of very long, thin legs. They were a very intelligent species, known to have incredible mathematical capabilities. This was especially utilized in the management of the InterGalactic Banking Clan.

The average Muun was just under 2 meters tall. Individual Muuns were known to be as tall as 2.46 meters in the case of Nix Card.