
Congratulations! Your species is Hutt


Hutts were a massive slug-like species who had large mouths and stubby arms. They had three lungs.They were tough and muscular with thickleathery skin, which was wrinkled and slimy. Hutts often had watery eyes and slack facial expressions.Their tails were supported by a skeletal spine and allowed Hutts to propel themselves through muck which legs would sink into. Despite their legendary adult size, Hutts started out as tiny Huttlets less than half a meter in height.

Hutts possessed skeletons. Hutts were not known for being healthy. Some Hutts suffered from a genetic defect that caused their skin to be bereft of pigment and prone to cracking. Whilst the Hutts were originally native to Varl, Nal Hutta—a planet with a hot atmosphere that was frequently streaked by greasy rains, creating a fetid sauna in which Hutts were most comfortable—later became the planet that was considered their homeworld.

Hutts could live for centuries—Jabba was 604 when he was killed—and could grow to enormous sizes.In fact, Hutts’ lifespans could span over 1,000 years.The literary collective term for Hutts was a bulge of Hutts.

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