The Clone Wars: Season 5

Total True Fan Rating: 01: Revival Fueled by vengeance and rage, the newly reunited brothers Savage Opress and Maul spread terror and violence across the galaxy. As the Sith brothers forcibly recruit Hondo Ohnaka and his pirates, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Adi Gallia chase them down, leading to a deadly confrontation. 02: A War on Two […]

The Clone Wars: Season 2

Total True Fan Rating: 01: Holocron Heist Cad Bane infiltrates the Jedi Temple and attempts to steal an ancient Jedi Holocron. It’s up to Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-Wan to stop the bounty hunter from escaping with the valuable Jedi artifact. 02: Cargo of Doom Anakin and Ahsoka intercept Cad Bane’s warship, hoping to recover the […]