Episode IV: A New Hope

Total True Fan Rating: It is a period of civil war.Rebel spaceships, strikingfrom a hidden base, have wontheir first victory againstthe evil Galactic Empire. During the battle, Rebelspies managed to steal secretplans to the Empire’sultimate weapon, the DEATHSTAR, an armored spacestation with enough powerto destroy an entire planet. Pursued by the Empire’ssinister agents, PrincessLeia races […]

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Total True Fan Rating: War! The Republic is crumblingunder attacks by the ruthlessSith Lord, Count Dooku.There are heroes on both sides.Evil is everywhere. In a stunning move, thefiendish droid leader, GeneralGrievous, has swept into theRepublic capital and kidnappedChancellor Palpatine, leader ofthe Galactic Senate. As the Separatist Droid Armyattempts to flee the besiegedcapital with their valuablehostage, […]