Episode II Quiz

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Episode II Quiz Characteristics
Time to Complete Quiz  6 minutes
# Questions per Quiz 30 Questions
# Questions in Question bank 348 Questions
Average Score of all members 65%
Total times the quiz has been taken 12 Times
# Times a member can take the quiz Unlimited*
*How often a member can increase their midi-chlorian count by taking the quiz Once per day

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1mastersmitty113883 %4 minutes 21 seconds
2Reyna Fett83 %4 minutes 45 seconds
3jedimastercooster73 %4 minutes 43 seconds
4Tylor67 %3 minutes 41 seconds
5Val_501.6660 %3 minutes 53 seconds
6sarah7watts60 %4 minutes 37 seconds
7Sam Mulberry57 %2 minutes 9 seconds
8Lecaro57 %5 minutes 41 seconds
9Ani Bobani53 %2 minutes 45 seconds
10Erots47 %4 minutes 34 seconds