Congratulations! Your species is Givin


Givins were a species of white-skinned, hairless humanoids who, to human eyes, looked like animated skeletons. Their facial features included sharp downward angles, large triangular eye sockets, and sloped-up brows that met together in the middle, lending them an appearance of permanent anguish. The average height of Givins was 1.8 meters.

Because of the harsh environment of their homeworld, the Givin’s organs were sealed away from the atmosphere. Thanks to that, they could survive for a short while in vacuum.

Mathematics were central to the Givin culture. Because of that, many of them became experts in a number of scientific fields. It was polite to address a Givin with an equation for them to answer, a custom known as greeting maths. The Givin would respond with an equation of their own. When dealing with other, less mathematically minded species, Givins would ask an equation with an answer of three for convenience.