
The Nikto species had at least three subspecies: the Kajain’sa’Nikto (red Nikto) and the Kadas’sa’Nikto (green Nikto), which were both well acclimated to desert climates, and the Esral’sa’Nikto (mountain Nikto). The red and green Nikto were distinguished by their scaly, coarse skin, horns and spikes. The mountain Nikto stood out from the red and green Nikto as they had no horns with facial fins instead. Green Nikto young were born from eggs and consequently their young were called hatchlings. The subspecies was also incapable of blushing, because their skin only contained green pigments.
The Nikto originated from Kintan. At some point in time their home planet was discovered and taken over by the Hutts, who enslaved their race. Some Niktos were appointed as guards and thugs for their Hutt overlords and became a common sight in most of their enslavers’ entourages. The Galactic Empire brought oppression down on the Nikto species during its control over the galaxy, with later stories warning the post-Imperial generations of how stormtroopers treated their species.