Congratulations! Your species is Ishi Tib

Ishi Tib

Ishi Tib were sentient humanoid amphibians hailing from the planet Tibrin. They were distinguished by their green skin, the two large gold eyes extending from angular stalks on either side of their skull, and their beak-like mouths. Among the Ishi Tib, opening ones beak without a sound was the equivalent of a human frown. They had a very acute sense of smell, and were able to use it on land and underwater, although the species was most comfortable underwater.

Ishi Tib were native to Tibrin, a world mostly covered by surface water, and built settlements atop the waves of their homeworld’s oceans. Tibrina, Tibrin’s capital city, was one such settlement, located at least partially above the surface of the ocean. Tibrin was administrated by a Mariod and received spiritual guidance from a Kalikeedan, an eminent local religious figure.