Congratulations! Your species is Neimoidian


The Neimoidians were a sentient species of humanoid with two arms, two legs, a torso, and a single head. They had smooth, mottled green-gray skin and large, red-orange eyes with a pupil that split it horizontally. Some Neimoidians had a beige skin and the color could evolve over the years. For example, Nute Gunray had a gray skin at the beginning of the Clone Wars[10] before turning green at the end of the conflict. Adult individuals were known to be tall, ranging from 1.9 to 2.11 meters. Neimoidians had long, bony hands with five pointed fingers, one of which was an opposable thumb. Although many Neimoidians were lean, obese individuals were not unheard of. They looked very similar to the Duros because the two species were genetically linked. In fact, the Neimoidian homeworld of Neimoidia was discovered and colonized by Duros. Over the millennia, the Duros of Neimoidia evolved because of the more humid atmosphere and heavier gravity of their planet.

The Neimoidians spent the first seven years of their life as “grubs,” maggot-like larvae that were forced to compete with each other over a limited food supply. It was possible that they never emerged from their maggot state because of a lack of food and became drones.

The beginning of a Neimoidian’s life was particularly brutal. For their first seven years, Neimoidian larvae were confined to huge hives where there was little food. The Neimoidians were forced to compete for food, and the greediest were usually the ones who survived. This education explains the species’ affinity for trade and organization, but also their tendency to be dishonest, greedy and cowardly. A racist cliché about the Neimoidians was to portray them as a devious and obese plutocrat, fattened by his greed.

Neimoidians were naturally gifted at calculation, a skill that defined most of their culture. They evolved to rationalize all choices based on thorough risk assessment, which became a central element of their culture and a counterbalance to their skill in calculating odds. While this was often perceived by outsiders as stereotypical Neimoidian cowardice, to the Neimoidians it was a proud facet of their society, a survival skill that set them apart from other species. In any case, many Neimoidians were regarded as being paranoid. Those who served aboard starships rarely left the command bridge to avoid another colleague gaining more power.

Neimoidians were obsessed with status. A high ranking Neimoidian had to show off his wealth. Simple doors could be a sign of prestige, and they were usually finely crafted. Their status and wealth were also reflected in a combination of clothing and headgear. Possession of a mechno-chair or a Sheathipede-class transport shuttle was also a sign of prestige for the wealthiest Neimoidians. Corruption was particularly common among this species.

Neimoidians relied heavily on droids for many manual tasks, especially those that could be dangerous. Likewise, it was virtually impossible to see a high-ranking Neimoidian without being surrounded by battle droids or bodyguards. But not all Neimoidians were cowards. For example, the Neimoidian Royal Guards were military units composed of Neimoidians. These guards were intensely loyal to their people and sought to protect them through whatever means necessary.