Congratulations! Your species is Nosaurian


The Nosaurians were a horned sentient species that was native to New Plympto and had red eyes and orange, white, and yellow skin. They were mainly found in forested environments. They were considered ill-tempered, and often refused to communicate in Galactic Basic Standard. They would instead converse in their native language which consisted of loud barking and hissing.

Some Nosaurians possessed acute reflexes that allowed them to participate in dangerous high-speed racing such as podracing and riot racing. Clegg Holdfast, a male Nosaurian, was a podracer who doubled as a journalist for Podracing Quarterly in the last decades of the Galactic Republic. Jet Venim was another male of the species who was a riot racer on the planet Serolonis following the birth of the Galactic Empire, and was a recurring champion of the Safa Toma Classic.