Congratulations! Your species is Dowutin


The Dowutin species evolved from a type of omnivorous herd animal on the planet Dowut. They were large, aggressive-looking humanoids with chin horns, sharp claws, and thick skin that were commonly brown in color and had poor eyesight but superior senses of hearing and smell. Dowutins had large fingers with claw-like points at the tip, although these were more comparable to tusks due to their thickness and bony complexion. Capable of living hundreds of years, Dowutins never stopped growing. Individuals who had lived two decades were about the size of Wookiees, and those who lived to their fifth century could weigh up to a metric to] and were typically so massive that their loud footsteps and voices warned other species away. The largest recorded Dowutin weighed over two tons and stood over four meters tall.

The Dowutin species was native to the frigid Core Worlds planet of Dowut near the Unknown Regions and spoke the Dowuta language. They were often solitary, and young Dowutins were forced to fend for themselves from an early age. Because of this, those who quickly learned hunting skills survived. Their size and strength made them prized as hired muscle, but most Dowutins’ pride dissuaded them from such work, as they viewed other species as weak.

Rumors existed that Dowutins did not ever die due to old age, instead perishing in battle or greeting death by other means.