Congratulations! Your species is Crocin


Crocin had short bodies and teeth that protruded from the tops of their mouth.

Crocin built their cities in caverns near water on their homeworld of Croce, and were unused to bright sunlight. When traveling to warmer climates, they wore protective goggles to prevent damage to their sensitive eyesight.

Scarspike was a Crocin male who held the rank of Cloud in the Nihil marauder organization during the High Republic Era. Udi Dis, a Talortai Strike, would later kill Scarspike by slashing his throat with a wingblade after a botched raid.

Karjj was a Crocin who lived during the reign of the Galactic Empire, and could play the card game sabacc. He was present during Lando Calrissian and Han Solo’s first sabacc game.