Tales of the Jedi

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Tales of the Jedi

Movie description: Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi is a series of six animated anthology shorts that was released on October 26, 2022. Each episode features Jedi from the era of the prequel trilogy; one half of the episodes focuses on Count Dooku, while the other focus upon Ahsoka Tano, with other Jedi featuring as supporting characters in the shorts.

Date published: October 26, 2022

Duration: 6 Episodes

Director(s): Writers: Dave Filoni, Charles Murray, Élan Murray, Directors: Charles Murray, Nathaniel Villanueva, Saul Ruiz

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1: Life and Death

[36 BBY – 35 BBY] On the planet, Shili, a young mother Togruta, Pav-ti Tano, travels with her toddler daughter, Ahsoka, through the lush forests on a ritualistic hunt. But after successfully hunting a kybuck, the pair is attacked by a deadly sabertooth. When little Ahsoka is taken by the predator, the villagers come to the rescue but are surprised to find that Ahsoka has all the protection she needs through the powers of the Force. 

2: Justice

[Between 68 BBY and c. 58 BBY] When Jedi Master Dooku and his apprentice, Qui-Gon Jinn are sent by the Republic to rescue a Galactic Senator being held prisoner on the senator’s homeworld, they find that gluttony and wealth have corrupted the leadership of the planet, causing the villagers to hold that leadership prisoner. Dooku shows his disappointment in the political systems of the current era.

3: Choices

[Between 50 BBY and 48 BBY] Dooku and Mace Windu are sent to retrieve the body of Jedi Master Katri on Raxus Secundus who was reportedly killed by a native ambush. But Dooku suspects Katri was killed in cold-blood by someone else. What he and Windu discover will shake Dooku’s failing faith in the Jedi Order.

4: The Sith Lord

[32 BBY] As conflict and frustration at the corruption of the Republic and the Jedi darken Count Dooku’s mind, his path down the Dark Side grows ever deeper. After the death of his apprentice, he will face the ultimate test to his commitment to the Dark Side: the assassination of a former friend and Jedi Master.

5: Practice Makes Perfect

[c. 21 BBY – 19 BBY] As Ahsoka trains to fight in the Clone Wars, her master, legendary Anakin Skywalker, knows she is training the wrong way. Determined not to disappoint, Ahsoka will do everything she can to train harder and longer until she can meet her master’s expectations.

6: Resolve

[19 BBY (opening), Between 18 BBY – 5 BBY (main story)] After attending the funeral of beloved Padmé Amidala, Ahsoka lies in hiding on a rural world far from the Empire…or so she thought. When an accident leads her to reveal her Force abilities, she must gather her wits about her to face the Inquisitors who come thirsty to hunt Jedi.

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