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The Mandalorian: Season 1
Movie description: The galaxy is a treacherous place. While smugglers, lawmen, and the New Republic struggle to get a long, the remnants of the Empire hide away in far reaches of the galaxy searching for a mysterious bounty. A lone Mandalorian, seeking hire as a bounty hunter, unwittingly obtains their prize, but risks everything when he is about to turn it in and realizes it is worth far more than any credits can buy.
Duration: 11/12/2019 - 12/27/2019; 8 Episodes
Director(s): Creator: Jon Favreau, Writers: Jon Favreau, Rick Famuyiwa, Dave Filoni, Christopher Yost, Noah Kloor, Directors: Deborah Chow, Rick Famuyiwa, Dave Filoni, Bryce Dallas Howard, Taika Waititi, Jon Favreau, Peyton Reed, Robert Rodriguez, Carl Weathers, Rachel Morrison, Lee Isaac Chung, Peter Ramsey
Plot - 0%
Acting - 0%
Visual Effects - 0%
Meaningful Addition to Star Wars - 0%
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- PlotSending
- ActingSending
- Visual EffectsSending
- Meaningful Addition to Star WarsSending

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Chapter 1: The Mandalorian
On the icy planet, Pagodon, two men manhandle a captured male Mythrol inside a bar when a lone Mandalorian enters. Quickly defeating the men in a flurry of attacks, the menacing warrior takes the chained Mythrol back to his ship and heads offworld. On Nevarro, the beskar-clad warrior collects his bounty and takes a new job from a mysterious Imperial remnant client – the payment: pure beskar metal – the metal used by Mandalorians to make their armor. The fearsome warrior is determined to catch this new bounty, but the mission will be harder than he expects – and the asset itself will be something far greater than he ever could have anticipated.

Chapter 2: The Child
Having captured a highly-desired bounty, the Mandalorian is surprised to find it is a young green child. As he prepares to travel back to Nevarro to claim his reward, the Mandalorian finds his ship has been scrapped by Jawas and must be rebuilt. To do so, the Mandalorian must obtain the egg of a deadly mudhorn for the Jawas. In doing so, the masked warrior is nearly killed, before the small green asset saves his life by using a strange magic that raises the beast in the air. Nothing is as it seems, and the Mandalorian can only help but wonder just who the bounty he’s captured really is.

Chapter 3: The Sin
Arriving back on Nevarro, the Mandalorian heads to the hidden Imperial Remnant safe house to deliver the Child and claim his fortune of a reward. After delivering the Child, the bounty hunter takes his beskar reward and leaves, but can’t help wondering what the asset truly was. Returning underground to his fellow Mandalorians, he is greeted and shows them the beskar he obtained, which they plan to forge into new armor. But despite his victory, the Mandalorian can’t help but feel that he shouldn’t have turned over the Child. Returning to the safe house, he will prepare to rescue the Child – even if it means certain doom by more legions of stromtroopers than he can handle.

Chapter 4: Sanctuary
After rescuing the Child, the Mandalorian travels to the planet Sorgan – a backwater world with no industry – perfect for hiding after stealing an extremely valuable asset. There, the Mandalorian meets ex-Rebel Alliance shock trooper, Carasynthia Dune, and the two quickly agree to work together to hunt down raiders that had harassed several villagers, as the work will allow the Mandalorian and the Child to lie low in the nearby forests. Improvising battle tactics after realizing the raiders possess an AT-ST Raider, the duo decides to teach the villagers how to fight against the pillagers in a fierce battle.

Chapter 5: The Gunslinger
Bounty hunters across the galaxy hunt the Mandalorian and the asset he decided to keep. After sustaining damage to an engine, the Mandalorian is forced to land in the deserts of Tatooine where he meets a mechanic named Peli Motto. In need of credits to pay Peli for the repairs to his ship, the Mandalorian teams up with Toro Calican to take a job to hunt down a deadly mercenary: Fennec Shand. Riding into the Dune Sea, the pair is soon under sniper fire from the deadly mercenary. Hunting by night, the two may be able to capture Fennec, but alliances can easily change – and the bounty on the Mandalorian’s own head is greater than even he knows.

Chapter 6: The Prisoner
Summoned by an old friend to perform a rescue job, the Mandalorian teams up with an unseemly group: an ex-Imperial sharpshooter named Migs Mayfeld, a Devaronian named Burg, a droid named Zero, and a Twi’lek named Xi’an. Together, they infiltrate a New Republic Correctional Transport, and rescue a Twi’lek named Qin. During the rescue though, ‘Mando’ is double-crossed and shoved into the prison just as Qin escapes. Through the eerie cooridors of the ship, the Mandalorian will have to hunt down his former friends and hurry to arrive at his ship before they leave and take the Child with them.

Chapter 7: The Reckoning
The Mandalorian receives a dangerous offer from the head of the Bounty Hunters’ Guild, Greef Karga: bring the Child back to Nevarro to use as bait to eliminate the Imperial remnant that plagues Nevarro. In exchange, Greef will clear the Mandalorian’s name with the Guild. Recruiting Cara Dune, as well as the Ugnaught, Kuiil, Mando decides to return to Nevarro and work with Karga to defeat the Imperials. Pretending to have captured the Mandalorian and the Child, Greef Karga and Cara Dune escort Mando to a cantina where the Imperial client awaits. But the danger they are all walking into is far greater than they know – and Imperial Moff Gideon will not hesitate to employ any treachery necessary to recover the Force-sensitive Child.

Chapter 8: Redemption
Held down in a Nevarro cantina, the Mandalorian, Cara Dune, and Greef Karga are trapped, with the Empire preparing a heavy repeating blaster to destroy them. Attempting to negotiate with the ruthless Moff Gideon, the Mandalorian’s name is revealed as Din Djarin. Luckily, IG-11, who has recovered the Child from scout troopers, comes to the rescue, creating a distraction that allows Djarin and his team to attack. But despite near-escape, Gideon’s forces are too powerful and Din is injured with no way to be healed unless he removes his helmet. Just when all appears lost though, Djarin comes up with a plan to save himself and help his team escape by returning underground to the Mandalorian enclave.
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