Locations Quiz

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Do, or do not. There is no try. 

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*After completing this quiz, you will be given time to review your answers; then you’ll be redirected to a page where you will receive 1 to 50 midi-chlorians, depending on how you scored (score must be above 30% to gain midi-chlorians). For a full breakdown of what scores correspond to each increasing number of midi-chlorians, please see the page, ‘Jedi Ranks and How to Increase My Midi-chlorian Count’. 

Locations Quiz Characteristics
Time to Complete Quiz 6 minutes
# Questions per Quiz 30 Questions
# Questions in Question bank 267 Questions
Average Score of all members 60%
Total times the quiz has been taken 11 Times
# Times a member can take the quiz Unlimited*
*How often a member can increase their midi-chlorian count by taking the quiz Once per day

You must log in to see your results.


1Salina87 %3 minutes 50 seconds
2Reyna Fett73 %4 minutes 36 seconds
3Lando Calrissian67 %2 minutes 15 seconds
4Apatheia57 %4 minutes 26 seconds
5Val_501.6657 %4 minutes 42 seconds
6Boas6657 %5 minutes 13 seconds
7Giulia43 %4 minutes 37 seconds
8gish infinamax37 %1 minutes 52 seconds
9StoicSentinel33 %6 minutes