Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

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Revenge of the Sith

Movie title: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Movie description: Victory appears near for the Separatists, who have waged war above Coruscant and captured the head of the Republic, Chancellor Palpatine. Yet undeterred, Obi-Wan and Anakin are able to free the Chancellor and end Count Dooku -  turning a near-defeat into victory above Coruscant. All that is left now is to capture General Grievous. But something is wrong. Anakin Skywalker feels more conflicted and outraged than ever when he is allowed to sit on the Jedi Council but is not granted the rank of Jedi Master. The sinister plot of the Sith is advancing and the Jedi have no idea the revenge that is in store for them. The deadliest of killers the galaxy has ever known is about to be born: Darth Vader. 

Date published: May 19, 2003

Duration: 140 mins

Director(s): George Lucas

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War! The Republic is crumbling
under attacks by the ruthless
Sith Lord, Count Dooku.
There are heroes on both sides.
Evil is everywhere.

In a stunning move, the
fiendish droid leader, General
Grievous, has swept into the
Republic capital and kidnapped
Chancellor Palpatine, leader of
the Galactic Senate.

As the Separatist Droid Army
attempts to flee the besieged
capital with their valuable
hostage, two Jedi Knights lead a
desperate mission to rescue the
captive Chancellor….


Over the gleaming lights of Coruscant’s surface, a Venator-class star destroyer looms into view – heading towards the field of battle. Flying over the top of it are two Eta-2 Actis-class starfighters, flown by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. The two fly rapidly, heading toward the front lines of battle on a direct mission to rescue Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who is being held prisoner aboard the cyborg General Grievous’ command ship, the Invisible Hand

Smoke and laser fire are everywhere as the two ships swiftly navigate through the lines of destruction. Anakin’s skills as a pilot are unmatched as he maneuvers towards Grievous’ ship while Obi-Wan follows. Kenobi then calls in clone pilot Oddball and his team of ARC-170 fighters to form their rearward in preparation to attack. As they near the command ship though, the team is attacked by Separatist droid tri-fighters that quickly gun down the clones. 

Trade Federation ‘vulture droids’ then release missiles that eject several buzz droids, which latch onto Kenobi ship, attempting to tear his fighter apart using deadly buzz saws. Anakin is eventually able to help Obi-Wan, and the two of them just manage to plunge through and into the hangar of Grievous’ ship before the blast doors close. 

Leaping out of their ships, the two Jedi quickly begin destroying the battle droids in the hangar while R2-D2 helps them locate where Chancellor Palpatine is being held prisoner. Anakin and Obi-Wan use the elevator shaft system in order to quickly ascend towards the observation platform of the ship. 

They enter the observation platform to find Chancellor Palpatine restrained to a chair with Count Dooku waiting for them. Confident in his abilities to defeat the two Jedi again, Dooku prepares to duel them while Skywalker warns him that his powers have doubled since they last met. 

Dooku fights gracefully against Skywalker and Kenobi. The two Jedi attempt to surround the count from both sides, but Dooku surprises them by Force-choking Obi-Wan before hurtling him into the side of a platform, knocking him unconscious. 

Anakin surges towards Dooku and begins a relentless series of attacks. Dooku can sense Anakin’s feelings heading towards the Dark Side and taunts him, “You have hate. You have anger. But you don’t use them.” The taunt pays off – Anakin’s attacks become swifter and more deadly. Then, in one swift motion, Anakin strikes quickly and unexpectedly slides his blade around Dooku’s twisting so fast that he cuts off both of the count’s hands. 

Shocked, Dooku falls on his knees before Anakin. Chancellor Palpatine looks onward at them and cackles in delight at Anakin’s growing connection to the Dark Side. The young Jedi holds his blade and Dooku’s together, crossed in front of Dooku’s neck. “Kill him.” Palpatine commands Anakin. Dooku looks over at his Sith Master in disbelief, only just realizing that this moment had been his master’s plan all along.

Anakin hesitates and Palpatine can sense his conflict. “Do it!” he urges, and in one swift stroke, Anakin beheads the Dooku, his anger and thirst for the Dark Side growing. 

Anakin frees the chancellor from his restraints and picks up the unconscious Obi-Wan to carry him despite Palpatine’s urging to leave him behind. They travel through Grievous’ ship, but find that the elevator isn’t working as the ship is being blasted by Republic forces. 

Traveling through the hallways Obi-Wan finally wakes up, but before they can make it very far, Grievous activates a ray shield and captures them preventing their escape. The cyborg general then takes them to the command deck where he plans to hold them as prisoners, but R2-D2 creates a large distraction allowing Obi-Wan and Anakin to remove their restraints and destroy the magna guards and battle droids surrounding them. 

General Grievous quickly realizes he is outmatched and shatters the viewport of the command center on his ship, leaping onto the outer hull while the Jedi cling to the inside to prevent being sucked out into space. He then walks along the ship and reenters at the escape pods, ejecting himself away as the Invisible Hand is battered by blasterfire, beginning to tear in two. 

As the engines on Grievous’ flagship fail, the nose of the ship dives downward – pointing towards Coruscant’s atmosphere as the planet’s gravity pulls on it. Anakin quickly jumps in the pilot seat, preparing to maneuver the ship to a hopeful landing. 

As they enter the atmosphere, the stress tears the ship in two, and Anakin and the others strap themselves in. Intense searing heat is seen along the ship’s hull as its moves faster and faster through the atmosphere. 

Despite the limited maneuvering capabilities, Anakin again demonstrates his immense skill as a pilot, managing to crash-land the ship, its bottom skidding forwards for several hundred meters before finally coming to a stop. “Another happy landing!” Obi-Wan exclaims, taking in a deep sigh of relief.

The Jedi, R2-D2, and Chancellor Palpatine safely deboard the ship and are greeted by several Republic dignitaries as well as Mace Windu representing the Jedi Council. After speaking with them, Anakin notices Padmé quietly waiting behind the hallway pillars and rushes to see her. Their relationship has been kept a secret and the two express how much they have missed each other. 

After embracing though, Skywalker can tell something is different and feels concerned, noting that Padmé is trembling. Padmé reassures him and tells him that she is pregnant, much to Anakin’s surprise. The two realize their relationship cannot be kept a secret much longer, but Anakin tells Padmé to not worry about it for the moment.

That night, Anakin goes to sleep but has terrible nightmares and premonitions through the Force – Padmé dies while giving birth, screaming out Anakin’s name. Panicked, Anakin awakens and can’t sleep any longer, getting up. Padmé wakes up and realizes he is gone. After finding him, she pleads with him to tell her what happened. After much reluctance, Anakin admits that he saw Padmé die in childbirth and promises that he won’t let his dream become reality. 

The following day, Anakin goes to speak with Yoda to receive counsel regarding his vision, without revealing all of the details. But Yoda’s counsel is not what he hopes to hear: “Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” Anakin looks downcast as he considers Master Yoda’s words.

Meanwhile, Obi-Wan has finished attending a meeting in which updates regarding the progress of the war have been revealed: things are going well for the Republic. Anakin and Obi-Wan then discuss how the Senate is expected to vote more executive powers to Chancellor Palpatine. Their discussion reveals the growing tension that has been building between them throughout the duration of the war. Anakin supports and trusts the chancellor, while Obi-Wan and much of the Jedi Council does not. 

Kenobi’s unease about the chancellor’s moves are confirmed when Anakin attends a private audience at Palpatine’s request and is asked to be the chancellor’s personal representative on the Jedi Council, openly defying the Jedi Council’s authority to choose their own members. Anakin is both confused and pleased at the request, feeling validated at the chancellor’s confidence in him, but concerned as to how the Jedi Council will react. 

At the Jedi Temple, Anakin relays Palpatine’s appointment and the Jedi Council does something unexpected: they allow Skywalker to be on the council but refuse to grant him the rank of Jedi Master. Shocked, Anakin is offended and angry; the rift of hurt and frustration between him and the council continuing to grow. 

After angrily sitting down to join the council, the Jedi turn their attention to finding Grievous. Yoda counsels that he is likely hiding in the Outer Rim and a military sweep of the systems there may be their best strategy. Given a recent droid attack on Kashyyyk, Yoda agrees to travel there and support the Wookiees in preventing the planet’s downfall and overthrowing the Separatist presence.

After the meeting with the council, Obi-Wan and Anakin speak privately in the hallways of the Jedi Temple. Even as Anakin feels frustrated and insulted at the Jedi Council’s move, Obi-Wan has worse news for him. Moving quietly to the side of the hallway, Obi-Wan informs Skywalker that the only reason he was allowed to be on the council was so that he can spy on the chancellor, as the Jedi Council is growing to distrust him. The assignment given its dangerous nature, is not to be kept on record.

Anakin argues with Obi-Wan that Chancellor Palpatine is not a bad man, but Obi-Wan argues that something is out of place – for Palpatine has managed to stay in office long after his term was due, as well as continue increasing his executive powers. Anakin in turn argues that what is out of place is asking him to spy on a friend and a mentor, feeling further frustrated and confused. 

Not long after, Yoda discusses briefly with Obi-Wan and Mace the new assignment for Anakin as they travel to the deployment center where Yoda will travel to Kashyyyk. Meanwhile, Anakin’s feelings are in turmoil as he returns to visit Padmé. The two start the evening off happy, but feelings shift when Padmé expresses concerns about the Rebublic’s agenda in the war – that perhaps they have become the evil they were fighting against. Anakin gets defensive and Padmé can tell something is wrong though he won’t say what it is. 

Later that night, Chancellor Palpatine has invited Anakin to attend the Galaxies Opera House where Mon Calamari dancers are performing a ballet called “Squid Lake”. After Anakin arrives, the chancellor greets him and tells him that their intel has located General Grievous hiding in the Utapau System. 

Chancellor Palpatine then tells Skywalker that the Jedi Council is planning on betraying him. Anakin feigns understanding, but Palpatine sees through his act saying, “You know, don’t you?”. Caught in his false pretense, Anakin doesn’t know what to say, to which Chancellor Palpatine reveals that he also knows the Jedi Council asked Anakin to spy on him. 

On further discussion, the chancellor begins speaking to Anakin about the Sith, telling him ‘The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise’ who became so powerful he could influence the Force to create life and learned to keep others from dying, but not himself, for Plagueis was eventually killed in his sleep by his apprentice. Thinking of his vision of Padmé, Anakin asks if somehow it might be possible to learn such a power again. Palpatine hints that it might be, but not from a Jedi. 

The scene then changes to Kashyyyk where several Wookiee warriors are preparing a military front on the beaches of Kachirho, alongside the 41st Elite Corps clone force. Yoda confers with their leaders, informing them that the time has come to fight. The droid army then appears, a frightful sight emerging from the waves of the Wartaki Sea and a massive battle ensues.

Back on Coruscant, Anakin speaks with Obi-Wan as his former master prepares to leave for the Utapau System to hunt down General Grievous. The two seem to be doing better – Anakin isn’t as troubled as he was before. “May the Force be with you” they each say before parting ways. 

While sitting in Padmé’s suite, Anakin continues to have several flashbacks to his nightmares of her death. Sensing something strange about the room, Anakin asks Padmé if Obi-Wan has been by the place recently, to which she tells him that he had come by that morning. Anakin confides in her that he feels lost and confused, wanting more than he should as a Jedi. Padmé tries to follow his train of thought but doesn’t realize what he is talking about until he admits he has found a way to save her from the fate he sees in his nightmares.

Meanwhile, after coordinating with Clone Commander Cody, Obi-Wan departs a Venator-class star destroyer and arrives on Utapau, greeting Utapaun leader, Tion Medon. Outwardly, Tion speaks to Kenobi seeming to indicate no Separatist occupation in his system. As they privately speak though, he admits that General Grievous is indeed controlling the planet and holding them hostage.

Obi-Wan then uses a varactyl named Boga to navigate the massive caverns surrounding the sink hole where the cyborg general is hiding. Traveling up to the tenth level, the Jedi general manages to see Grievous concluding a meeting with several Separatist leaders who are being sent to Mustafar. Knowing the war has drawn on far too long, he impulsively leaps down from his hiding place to catch Grievous off-guard.

“Hello there.” Kenobi good naturedly tells the surprised general from behind. Surrounded by hundreds of droids, Kenobi quickly defeats four magna guards by dropping an overhanging piece of machinery on them. Countless battle droids are about to gun Obi-Wan down but are halted by Grievous as he challenges the Jedi to a one-on-one duel.

Splitting his two arms into four, General Grievous is a fearsome sight to see as he ignites four lightsabers all pointed at Kenobi. As they begin dueling, clone troopers suddenly appear, descending in gunships and quickly attacking the Separatist droid army.

Obi-Wan manages to Force-push Grievous, causing the cyborg to fall and flee riding a wheelbike. Obi-Wan chases him through the caverns while blaster fire from both droids and clones explodes on all sides. Riding on Boga, Kenobi leaps several stories below, but loses his lightsaber in the process, his weapon dropping and falling further to land on a platform.

Obi-Wan continues to chase Grievous and the two eventually end up at the hangar to Grievous’ personal starship. There, they continue fighting in fist-to-fist combat before Grievous manages to grab Kenobi and toss him over the edge of the landing platform. While flying through the air, Obi-Wan is able to grab the edge of the platform, clinging by one hand. The deadly cyborg general then approaches, preparing to stab him from the edge with an electrostaff. Just as he is about to do so though, Obi-Wan uses the Force to grab Grievous’ blaster and shoot him directly behind his encasing, destroying the cyborg’s internal organs in a flash of fire.  Flames burst from the Separatist general before he collapses dead.

During Obi-Wan’s attack, the Jedi Council received word that Kenobi and his troops had engaged General Grievous and Anakin was instructed to take this update to Chancellor Palpatine. After giving him the news, Anakin and Palpatine continue to discuss the Jedi Council, and the chancellor reveals to him that he knows the ways of the Dark Side, causing Anakin to realize that Palpatine is in fact the Sith Lord they had been looking for. Igniting his blue blade, Anakin knows he should take the chancellor into custody, but is conflicted as he needs him in order to learn how to save Padmé.

Leaving, Anakin informs Master Mace Windu that Chancellor Palpatine is the Dark Lord of the Sith they have been looking for. Windu tells him to wait at the Jedi Temple and travels to the chancellor’s office alongside Jedi Masters Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto, and Saesee Tiin. Upon arriving at the chancellor’s private office, Mace Windu announces the reason for their visit as the four Jedi ignite their blades: “In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you are under arrest, Chancellor.”


One of the most famous lightsaber duels in the history of the Republic then ensues. Declaring himself to be the Senate, Chancellor Palpatine – also known as Darth Sidious – ignites a crimson blade that had been hidden within the sleeve of his tunic and leaps in a spinning motion towards the four Jedi Masters. Within seconds, Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, and Kit Fisto are all killed in unexpected slashes by the Dark Lord, leaving only Mace Windu remaining. 

Despite his initial fear and surprise, Mace counters in a series of powerful attacks, parrying Darth Sidious’ blade. Meanwhile, Anakin decides he no longer can wait at the Jedi Temple to find out what will happen to his only chance at saving Padmé’. Skywalker arrives to find that Windu has cornered Palpatine in a windowsill and the chancellor takes advantage of the situation to claim the Jedi are taking over just as he had predicted. 

Darth Sidious releases a bright flash of tortuous Force lightning, which Mace Windu barely manages to suppress with his blade, the deflection of the lightning disfiguring Darth Sidious’ face. Feigning defeat, Sidious tilts his head back panting. As Mace Windu raises his blade, preparing to strike down the Sith Lord, Anakin becomes afraid telling Windu that Palpatine must stand trial, but Mace counters that Palpatine already has control of the courts. 

Mace hesitates, but his resolve returns and he swings his blade. Before his blade can connect to kill Sidious though, Anakin has already ignited his own lightsaber and intercepts, cutting off the Jedi Master’s hand. While Mace is still in shock, Darth Sidious screams out in terrifying delight and blasts Windu with a massive storm of Force lightning, shocking the Jedi Master and casting him out of the window, to plummet thousands of meters to his death. 

Anakin can hardly believe what he has done in betraying the Jedi Order. Feeling the full weight of his actions, he decides to no longer look back and pledges himself to Darth Sidious as his new master. The Dark Sith Lord then proclaims Anakin as a new Sith Lord: ‘Darth Vader’ and instructs him to go to the Jedi Temple and end the Jedi in what was known as Operation: Knightfall.  

Darth Vader (formerly Anakin) assembles a portion of his personal clone force from the war, the 501st Legion, and marches to the Jedi Temple. There, he and his clone force began slaughtering all the Jedi at the temple, which included many Jedi padawans. He and his team then broadcasted a signal at the temple calling all Jedi to return to to the temple. 

Meanwhile, Darth Sidious issues a secret military order known as Order 66 to all Republic clone forces across the galaxy. The order deems all Jedi as enemies of the Republic and demands their immediate execution, with the command being enforced via the use of inhibitor chips implanted in the brains of all of the clones.

Across the galaxy, Jedi are suddenly gunned down by their fellow clone comrades. On Utapau while riding into battle, Obi-Wan’s varactyl is shot by Commander Cody’s forces, causing him and his steed to plummet hundreds of meters below into a pool of water, with the Kenobi managing to convince the clones he died in the fall. 

On the snowy world of Mygeeto, Ki-Adi-Mundi is leading Commander Bacara and his clone force in an all-out assault against droid forces along a bridge when he realizes his clones have suddenly their trained blasters on him, shooting and killing him. On the jungle world of Felucia, Jedi Master Aayla Secura is surprised to find herself suddenly surround by Commander Bly and his forces, also being gunned down.


Meanwhile, Master Plo Koon is shot in an aerial attack above Cato Neimoidia by clone Captain Jag, and during a speeder attack Stass Allie is killed by Commander Neyo. On Kashyyyk, Yoda senses terrible loss of his friends. Standing in a command post high in the trees of Kachirho, Yoda looks out over the battle with the Separatist army when he senses impending danger. Behind him, Commander Gree and his clone assistant Captain Jek quickly move into position to kill the Jedi Master, but just as they draw their weapons, Yoda leaps backwards and twists, arcing his lightsaber in one smooth motion, decapitating both clones. Chewbacca and Wookiee Chieftan Tarfful are dismayed that the clones turned on Yoda. 

In the immediate aftermath of Order 66, Obi-Wan manages to survive, having used a rebreather to remain underwater on Utapau until he could find a moment to exit the pools and escape off world using General Grievous’ abandoned starship, Soulless One. On Kashyyyk, Yoda bids farewell to Chewbacca and Tarfful, traveling in a Wookiee escape pod. Bail Organa, a prominent Republic senator and strong sympathizer of the Jedi Order, is brought into communication with Obi-Wan and Yoda via emergency coded transmissions and rescues both of the Jedi Masters aboard his Corellian corvette, Tantive III

While Bail Organa attends a special session of Congress on Coruscant that reveals the Republic will become a Galactic Empire with Palpatine as the new Emperor, Obi-Wan and Yoda infiltrate the Jedi Temple and destroy the 501st Clone Legion guarding it. After reviewing the recordings of the temple, they are shocked to discover that Anakin was the one responsible for the murders of the Jedi and padawans at the temple. 

Meanwhile, Darth Vader has traveled to Mustafar, having first stopped to deceive Padmé by telling her that the Jedi turned on the Chancellor and the senate and are now enemies of the Republic. After arriving on Mustafar, he quickly murders the remaining prominent Separatist leaders including Poggle the Lesser, Wat Tambor, Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, and several others. 

After the special session of Congress, Padmé is horrified that the Galactic Republic has become converted into an Empire, effectively destroying democracy. Obi-Wan travels to her suite on Coruscant and tells her that Anakin has turned to the Dark Side having killed the Jedi younglings at the Jedi Temple, to which Padmé refuses to believe him. 

In a turmoil of feelings, Padmé decides she must travel to Mustafar to see Anakin and figure out what is going on. After arriving, she tells Anakin that Obi-Wan has accused him of killing younglings and turning to the Dark Side, to which Anakin does not deny his former master’s claims but, corrupted by the Dark Side, instead tries to convince Padmé that he has gained new powers that will allow him to save her and even allow them to rule the galaxy. 

Crushed and heartbroken, Padmé can’t believe what she is hearing, and realizes that Obi-Wan told the truth: her husband has turned to the Dark Side and is gone. Shaking her head in utter disbelief, Padmé exclaims to Anakin, “I don’t know you anymore! Anakin, you’re breaking my heart!”


Frustrated, Anakin sees Obi-Wan standing inside behind Padmé’s in her starship. Unbeknownst to her, Obi-Wan had stowed aboard her ship, knowing it was the only way he would find Anakin to kill him. Blinded by the Dark Side, Anakin incorrectly assumes that Padmé had purposely led Obi-Wan to Mustafar to kill him because she was working with Obi-Wan. In his rage, he Force-chokes his wife, before releasing her, causing her to collapse on the ground unconscious. 

After exchanging words of disappointment and frustration, an all-out duel between former master and apprentice ensues. Blue blade clashes against blue blade as Kenobi and Vader duel. Having worked together for so long, each is able to anticipate the other’s moves, their duel taking unpredictable twists and turns about the mining facility on Mustafar. Eventually, the two move within a control station where they each attempt to Force-push each other. The moment stalls as their abilities in the Force appear matched, each hand reaching out to push the other away through the Force before both are thrown backwards. 

Despite the back-and-forth exchanges, it is clear that Darth Vader has the upper hand. Through each series of clashes, Obi-Wan demonstrates poise and skill, but barely manages to survive as Vader darkly and swiftly strikes, slowly throwing Kenobi off balance and backing him out of the control station towards the lava fields. Before exiting the station however, Vader strikes at Obi-Wan along a wall, severing the controls to large harvesting arms, causing the machinery’s shields to deactivate.


Meanwhile, just as Obi-Wan and Darth Vader begin their battle, Yoda confronts and duels Darth Sidious on Coruscant within the Galactic Senate Chamber. Initially, Darth Sidious believes he has beaten the small green Jedi after blasting him with Force lightning, but quickly realizes that Yoda is extremely resilient and cannot be defeated so easily. The two ignite their lighsabers and duel, with Yoda flipping around the Emperor in a blur of green motion.

As they duel, the central platform rises through the hatchway ceiling into the main hearing area of the Senate Chamber. There, Darth Sidious begins using Force telekinesis to hurtle circular senate platforms at Yoda, who barely manages to evade them before eventually using the Force powerfully to throw one of the platforms back at Sidious. The Dark Lord barely manages to dodge it, falling below towards Yoda.

The small green Jedi leaps again to confront the Sith Lord, and Sidious attempts to electrocute him again with Force lightning. Yoda barely manages to retain the lightning but holds on as his concentration grows stronger and stronger. Then, in a dazzling blast, Yoda releases the lightning back at its master, throwing both of them backwards. 

The blast causes Yoda to fall off of the platform, while Sidious hangs on its edge, clinging to the platform railing. Yoda lies on the bottom of the chamber floor, having tried everything to defeat the Dark Lord, but failing. He realizes he cannot defeat Darth Sidious and must escape while he still has the chance. Climbing through an electrical duct, he contacts Bail Organa who quickly arrives in a speeder outside the chamber to allow Yoda to escape.  

Meanwhile, Obi-Wan and Darth Vader continue dueling, having exited the mining building to fight on harvesting platforms above an active lava field. The longer they fight, the more desperate and dangerous their battle tactics become. 

Lava explodes around the two as each attempts to destroy the other, their blue blades continuing to move as flashes of light. As Vader continues to force Obi-Wan backwards, the fight takes them out onto one of the lava harvesting arms whose shields had been deactivated earlier when Vader inadvertently slashed the controls. 

A blast of lava deposits molten rock on the arm, causing the massive piece of machinery to break off from its tether. Vader and Obi-Wan quickly grab hold of the long arm’s platform as it points downward and breaks off, falling into the large lava flow below. 

Unperturbed, the two continue dueling until they realize that the arm is headed for a large lavafall. Obi-Wan leaps from the arm onto a small floating piece of machinery in the lava flow.  As the arm begins to tilt into the lavafall, Anakin takes a massive leap, landing on a mining droid. The two continue dueling from their platforms as Obi-Wan admits that he has failed Anakin. 

Vader grows confident that he will defeat his former master, causing Obi-Wan to reconsider his fighting technique. As they continue to duel, Obi-Wan leaps from the platform, landing on the rocky bank of the lava flow, warning – and perhaps goading Anakin that the battle is over as he now has the high ground. 

Darth Vader leaps, supposing he can pass over Obi-Wan to fight above him on the lava bank. But during his leap, Vader doesn’t foresee that Kenobi will anticipate his very move; a move that Obi-Wan himself had used years before when fighting Darth Maul on Naboo. Vader leaps and Obi-Wan uses the Force to slash him precisely in midair before Vader can land, cutting off both his legs and his left arm. 

Darth Vader immediately collapses and rolls down the bank, only managing to stop at the edge of the lava flow and peer angrily up at his former master. Obi-Wan laments Anakin’s decision to turn to the Dark Side, telling Anakin that he was like a brother to him – that he was supposed to be the Chosen One. 

As Obi-Wan peers down on his failed apprentice and friend, what’s left of Vader’s legs catches fire from the heat of the lava flow, burning his body and disfiguring his skin. Obi-Wan in grief and frustration retrieves Anakin’s fallen lightsaber and leaves him there to burn. 

Sometime later, Vader has managed to crawl further up the bank away from the lava until he has nearly lost consciousness. Darth Sidious, sensing the defeat of his new apprentice, travels in a Theta-class T-2c shuttle to Mustafar and rescues Vader, taking him back to his personal medical facility on Coruscant. There, using cyborg technology, Darth Vader is fitted with a life-sustaining black suit and appendages that also includes a breathing apparatus to support his heavily damaged airways. 

Meanwhile, at the same time Darth Vader lies on a medical table, Padmé lies on a bed on Polis Massa in the Outer Rim and give birth to two twins in the presence of Obi-Wan. She first delivers a boy whom she names Luke, and then delivers a girl whom she names Leia. Immediately after giving birth and in extreme pain and travail, Padmé attempts to tell Obi-Wan there is still good in Anakin – before she dies on the bed, her heart broken and having lost the will to live from losing her husband to the Dark Side.

 After Padmé’s funeral on Naboo, Obi-Wan determines he will take the infant Luke to Tatooine to be raised by his step-uncle and aunt, Owen and Beru Lars, while Kenobi will go in hiding on the desert planet to protect Luke from a distance. Bail Organa in turn agrees to take Leia and raise her as his own daughter on Alderaan, while Yoda decides to go in hiding on the swamp world of Dagobah. 

On Coruscant, after awakening in his life-sustaining suit, Darth Vader questions Sidious regarding the whereabouts of his wife, Padmé. Sidious tells him that, in his anger, Vader seems to have killed Padmé. Darth Vader is furious but can indeed sense that Padmé is dead. He yells out in anger, crushing items and causing medical supplies to shake and tremble in the room as Sidious grins devilishly. 

Later, Darth Vader and Sidious overlook the beginnings of the creation of the Death Star – a planet-destroying weapon. The film concludes as Leia is taken to Alderaan and Obi-Wan delivers Luke to Beru Lars on Tatooine. Beru carries the infant in her arms to her husband, Owen, who stands above on the sands, looking over a colorful twin sunset of orange and yellow hues. 

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